Showing posts with label exercise. Show all posts
Showing posts with label exercise. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Getting energized for entrepreneurship

Every generation needs a revolution - an entrepreneurial revolution

Rizal Philippines
August 16, 2016

At age 76, the veteran CEO is still energy, clear headed and very much energized.  How does he do it.  He says, he plays golf, he plays hard badminton, eats well and sleeps early. Above all he has the love of his life to energize him.  (He believes in Napoleon Hill that says something about sex.)

So one needs strong cardiovascular health and general health to carry out the rigors of entrepreneurship and wealth building.  This is an important lesson

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Business concept exercise via food trip by Vicky

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From: Yanan Zhao <>
Date: Sun, Nov 17, 2013 at 11:35 PM
Subject: Food stalls submit by ZHAO YANAN

1.Waffle Time in market market global city
Business conceptWaffle Time was never been wrong with their vision to establish a strong Brand Image. They had been working hard to continuously delight their customers by being innovative to adjust to their customer's changing likes. They had proven that they can "serve the best waffles in the world across all races beyond all boarders" as how they foreseen Waffle Time will be.
Main value proposition: Serving the best waffles in the world across all races beyond all borders
To establish a strong "Waffle Time" brand image.
To develop a creative & assertive human resource.
To continuously re-invent waffle.
To delight customers.
To achieve high level of efficiency.
2.   Potato Corner in greenbelt 1 Makati
Business concept: Potato Corner is able to expand to other countries as its product is   not only targeted for the Filipino market. 
3.Morelli's Gelato ice cream in Power Plant Rockwell
Business concept: Morelli's Gelato is made fresh every day on site from sourced ingredients and a trademark recipe dating back to 1907, Each location's gelatiere (Italian for ice cream chef) is trained to make the best gelato in the traditional way.  
Main value proposition: "Our continued success can only be attributable to the people we work with: from our partners, clients, co-workers, suppliers, landlords, and the communities who support us. Our shared vision of delivering the best quality product and service fuels our passion for continuous improvement." - Archie Rodriguez, President& CEO

Prof Jorge Saguinsin



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