Showing posts with label business concept. Show all posts
Showing posts with label business concept. Show all posts

Saturday, October 22, 2022

Every new business need a business plan and a disciplined analysis

Every generation needs a revolution - an entrepreneurial revolution

It is a mistake that only passion desire will make you rich  In the absence of science and math, you can not hope to be rich   You can only expect red ink and hearth ache. 

An acquaintance went into a partnership with another acquaintance who was merely armed with enthusiasm and excitement.  

After investing about a hundred thou invested mostly in site deposit and advance, they have nothing to show except more advances and red ink  After asking if there was a bp or break even analysis it was suggested for them to find out how much as to whether the sales performance breaks even or not   It does not  

Thus it was suggested that:
1.  Gimmicks will be made to raise awareness and sales response (as unli rice or uni sabaw)
2   Lowering further the price of best seller  (not increasing as kneejerk response to red ink results
3.  Expanding menu to have high end product with high gp to make up for number 2

Many start ups make the same mistake   Thus a new product is not a guarantee for success especially if there is nothing unique or compelling about this

Sunday, December 8, 2013

What must the business concept do for your customer, your stakeholders, and investors?

Rizal, Philippines  December 8, 2013

Today is the feast of Immaculate Concepcion.  Rejoice


As we prepare our business plans, it is important that at the start,  the business concept must be (as I have repeated several times in class)

1.  Compelling

2.  Unique

3.  Differentiated.

A former student uses the word "mesmerize"

In the words of Seith Godin:   A purple cow.   Or if you want to be complicated, a business in a "blue ocean"

Guy Kawasaki  calls it "Enchantment"

Then you must have a 3 word tag/title for the business concept as you pre accelerate your business concept.  Getting into an accelerator program

Are you following/benchmarking these, as you do your draft of the business plan?

Monday, December 2, 2013

FOOD TRIP: NOV 09 @ MERCATO, BGC by Gio Mendoza

SPENTREP 2013 Food Trip: Mercato BGC, 09th November
By: Gio Mendoza

Business Concept:
¡  Promote organic farming and produce, such as Milk/dairy, fruits and fish and also sell popular street snack food & fresh coconut juice to take advantage of the foot traffic in their stall.
¡  Started business offering Goat's Milk & Goat Cheeze, their goats are imported from US, Switzerland and Australia. Organic, owner are experts in proper care of their goats and keeping their product organic
¡  Other offerings, non-core products are: fresh young coconut drink/meat, Japanese Sweet Corn, Milk with Jelly, Rambutan, Durian, Tilapia, Salted Eggs & Balut
¡  They also offer a farm tour at their place in Pila, Laguna. This will be a combination of seeing their livestocks, how they make organic produce, experience life in the farm and also get a load of organic products served as meals during the course of the tour.
Main Value Proposition:
Organic, Healthy & Nutritious Food and Beverage

Business Concept:
¡  Focused only to sell bottled beverages made from fresh tropical fruits in the Philippines. Intended for the sporty crowd around their stall, a good complement to stalls that offer only light snacks and food.
¡  They have partially-frozen or icy beverages made with natural fruit like Dalandan, Watermelon, Buko Pandan, Melon.
Main Value Proposition:
All-natural summer thirst-quenchers and coolers

Business Concept:
¡  Sell breaded seafood variety such as squid, prawn, crablets, tawilis & quail egg as snacks. A special vinegar goes as a dip. They sell to those who are not that hungry, loves seafood and love 'em crispy and freshly cooked.
Main Value Proposition:
¡  Tasty crispy seafood, crunchy and right-sized for easy munching. The special breading ensures that the intended flavor/spices in each of the food will be savoured in every bite.

Friday, November 29, 2013

Food trip report by Anna Mae de La Cruz practice on business concept and MVP

Hello sir:)

Here's the slideshare link to my powerpoint presentation on the Mercato food trip.

Great presentation from a student with beautiful mind and face.  Keep up the great work

Business Concept and Food Trip Exercise by Rachelle Roque

Hi Sir,

Food Kiosk in Mercato Centrale, The Fort

1.      Isaw, Tenga atbp
Ø  One of the famous street foods in the Philippines, grilled/barbecued isaw, tenga etc.  
Ø  Main Value Proposition:
§  Price – relative to other food items in Mercato, it is the cheapest at P30 per stick that makes it one of the best-selling food there
§  Size – Mercato's version of isaw has a twist in terms of size, serving is 3x the size of isaw sold in streets. Customers are easily encouraged to try it one they see it.
§  Taste – The taste of Isaw & the vinegar sauce is good; better presentation compared to street foods make it also looks clean.
2.      Carlo's Kitchen Crunchy Belly
Ø  It's a deep fried thin slice of liempo
Ø  Main Value Proposition:
§  Uniqueness – a good alternative to chicharon. Given that Filipinos like crunchy food, it's a sure hit.
§  Serving – super crispy, served in small size that makes it addicting. Customers like it as pica-pica, while other also like it to pair with rice.
3.      Shabu-Shabu
Ø  Hotpot with noodles & meat
Ø  Main Value Proposition:
§  Presentation – hot pot items like lobster balls looks cute that encourage customers, especially the young ones
§  Hot Serving – it's served hot that is good for customers after drinking w/ friends. Since it also served with noodles, it's a good alternative for those who doesn't want to eat rice nor sandwiches. 

<It is really tough doing this because the concepts are so similar and close>


Food Trip Business Concept by Jaime Mendejar

Hi Prof Jorge,

For the food trip, I was able to observe a few stalls in QC Memorial Circle during one weekend.  The 3 stores are summarized as follows:

Okoy King

What is the business concept?

Provide hot and fresh Okoy to customers in the QC Memorial Circle. 

 What is the main value proposition?

The main product is their Okoy where the ingredients are prepared beforehand and brought to the stall for cooking.  The place uses huge cooking pans to be able to cook more products per batch.  The business uses a strainer to filter the oil so that the Okoy would not be too oily when consumed.  The stall uses 1 cook, 1 helper and 1 cashier.  The cook, is responsible for making sure the okoy is cooked with the right time and heat.  The helper makes sure that there are available materials for continuous operations thru the day as well as to setup the tables and chairs and clena them after customers use it. The cashier is responsible to collect the payment and monitor the # of orders  coming thru.  They have verbal adertising by shouting Okoy to passers-by to attract them to try.  The sight of the cook preparing the okoy in the large pans also attracts customers.

Kiko's Lugaw ATBP

What is the business concept?

To sell Lugaw variants and complimentary items at the QC memorial circle.

What is the main value proposition?

The main product is plain lugaw but different variants are also available such as lugaw with chicken/beefor both as well as an option to add egg.  There are complimentary items such as lumpia and tokwa and baboy.  The ingredients are prepared at home and cooked on the spot to ensure freshness and quality of products.  Similar to okoy, the sight of cooking of the lugaw entices passers by and customers to come in.  There is 1 cook, 2 servers, 1 cashier and 1 manager.  The cook is responsible for cooking the lugaw and making sure that it is always hot.  The cook also fries the lumpia. The 2 servers split between preparing the ingredients eg removing the shell of the egg, setting up tables and chairs, collecting used utensils and styro, cleaning tables and washing cooking materials.  

BBQ (No name)

What is the business concept?

BBQ with 4 variants. Pork BBQ (Laman), Chicken Isaw, Dugo, Tenga sold in QC Memorial Circle. 

What is the main value proposition?

The 4 variants are brought to the location and is already half-cooked to avoid quickly spoiling the stocks.  Once a customer orders, they re-heat the BBQ and provide an option of either to have it spicy or sweet with their sauces.  They also offer rice for those who want to dine-in and eat the bbq as a meal.  They use charcoal minimally to reduce cost and prefer to cook a few items per batch than have an opportunity to cook most orders in 1 go.  There is 1 server and 1 cook.  The server is the cashier as well and the cook basically accepts orders from the server on which bbq needs to be reheated. They use styro to easily dispose trash and to minimize the clutter because they only occupy a small area. The bbq grill is set-up behind the store not visible to the customers because it would bring smoke to the dining or waiting area.

<business concept  -  what is the business all about, describing product, PTM, location, uniqueness>

By Jaime Mendejar

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Business concept exercise via food trip by Vicky

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Yanan Zhao <>
Date: Sun, Nov 17, 2013 at 11:35 PM
Subject: Food stalls submit by ZHAO YANAN

1.Waffle Time in market market global city
Business conceptWaffle Time was never been wrong with their vision to establish a strong Brand Image. They had been working hard to continuously delight their customers by being innovative to adjust to their customer's changing likes. They had proven that they can "serve the best waffles in the world across all races beyond all boarders" as how they foreseen Waffle Time will be.
Main value proposition: Serving the best waffles in the world across all races beyond all borders
To establish a strong "Waffle Time" brand image.
To develop a creative & assertive human resource.
To continuously re-invent waffle.
To delight customers.
To achieve high level of efficiency.
2.   Potato Corner in greenbelt 1 Makati
Business concept: Potato Corner is able to expand to other countries as its product is   not only targeted for the Filipino market. 
3.Morelli's Gelato ice cream in Power Plant Rockwell
Business concept: Morelli's Gelato is made fresh every day on site from sourced ingredients and a trademark recipe dating back to 1907, Each location's gelatiere (Italian for ice cream chef) is trained to make the best gelato in the traditional way.  
Main value proposition: "Our continued success can only be attributable to the people we work with: from our partners, clients, co-workers, suppliers, landlords, and the communities who support us. Our shared vision of delivering the best quality product and service fuels our passion for continuous improvement." - Archie Rodriguez, President& CEO

Prof Jorge Saguinsin



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Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Our Spentrep Class last night November 11, at H de la Costa campus

                                    Emmanuel and his Business Model, BMI presentation

We held the semi penultimate entrep class last night at H de la Costa.  The most significant events were the Business Model and Business Model Innovation by Emmanuel.

I initially started the class with the review of Business Planning, a major class requirement.  I touched on the business concept, business model, and business objective (VMOKRAPI)  Well my review and the SR jived.  As for the assignment on food trip, they had to practice doing the business concept and MVP.

We had two case analyses last night:  Pranav and MICO .  The Pranav Case took almost two hours, for me to call everybody.  There was one who was absent.  He will get 0 for today.  Two were not prepared and that was too bad because this exercise is worth 10 points and there are just two cases remaining:  Entrep Families of Asia and Victoria Court.

Pranav was about the business concept and business objective.   Mico was about PTM and business processes being directed by PTM.  It is very interesting to note that case analyses dynamics differ in every class, and sometimes the class goes into a debate and dilemna.  Same facts are viewed differently by individuals, or some see the facts differently.  Common defects are:   students do not appreciate the situation and the limitation of the situation and argue disregarding the constraints presented by the case;  some are very disciplined and stick to the facts and one of them is Elmer.  Some are really strategic seeing the case in terms of the business concept, coming to grips with the business reality. Martin was sagacious last night

Reality, would you stick to your guns if the situation that you initially hypothesized is not there.

The importance of meticulous planning before the event here cannot be over emphasized.  The  proponents, according to the case discussants were rather foolhardy, doing the planning and data gathering when they started to experience losses

"Fail to plan and plan to fail" by Benjamin Franklin holds water here

We only managed to do the PTM drawing for MICO

                                         Jaimes PTM had funny hair

                                       Gio putting the final touch for his lady PTM

                                  Group 4s lady could qualify for Ms. PHL

                                   Group 4 trying to figure out how their PTM would look like

Friday, October 11, 2013

My cousin wants me to conceptualize a cosmetic surgi cum birthing center

In the birthday celebration of my aunt (76 years old today) the cousin wants me to develop a business concept plan for her.  She knows I am interested in low cost health care.

1.  concept   -  cosmetic surgicenter with delivery room;  the surgicenter has to be private, because those who want repair jobs do not want to be seen;  She will, as she is training for this now be using the surgicenter.   The delivery center will be priced at P4t each;   nursing teams will be paid per delivery at say x amount, and the delivery center will primarily be a training ground for ob gyne residents wanting to have more dr experience.

Shared resources:   nurses, residents, or, building, thus costs will be lower.  Location is near the public hospital

For those who have basic delivery and anaesthesia  -  x amount;

For those who want more anaesthesia etc   -  y amount

For those who want to bring their own ob -   z amount

2/3 of the birthing center will be for x amount;  the y and z patients will subsidize the cost of the x patient.

The residents will get x amount for say    x number of delivery per month;  however, for those in excess, they will get the same amount.  This is the Dr. Devi Shetty formula in India.

I said I will attend to this after we finish her condo.

What will I do with the two commercial properties assigned to me for a business concept proposal

Offhand, these are my ideas on how to go about this.

Major strategies:

1.  I will go on a developmental, incremental development, to prepare our finances and the market (I did this with the commercial complex we had, as what the Ortigas did with Greenhills and tiendesitas)  For tiendensitas:

Phase 1  cosntruction of the open air tiendesitas, inviting tiangges and cheap rental

Phase 2 -  Hypermart and motor city

Phase 3 -  Call center and church

Phase 4  -  Now commercial complex, remodelling of tiendesitas, high rise condo construction

2.  Starting point  -   create differentiated points of interest for the subject property that will draw crowd.

1 hectare property:

The place will be called "Creekside"  The live flowing creek will be the point of interest.  (Or could be barbecue park)

Phase 1  -  Barbecue park, and other recreation;  darts, and some other restaurants.

Phase 2  -  Office buildings, computer shops, cafes,  ministops

Phase 3  -  Town house, residential development




2 hectare property

 Phase 1    Fun house center, with tiangge food stalls (a la Makati ave)

or a Tiangge Mall


Phase 2   Medium luxury residential townhouse