Showing posts with label Gio Mendoza. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gio Mendoza. Show all posts

Monday, December 2, 2013

FOOD TRIP: NOV 09 @ MERCATO, BGC by Gio Mendoza

SPENTREP 2013 Food Trip: Mercato BGC, 09th November
By: Gio Mendoza

Business Concept:
¡  Promote organic farming and produce, such as Milk/dairy, fruits and fish and also sell popular street snack food & fresh coconut juice to take advantage of the foot traffic in their stall.
¡  Started business offering Goat's Milk & Goat Cheeze, their goats are imported from US, Switzerland and Australia. Organic, owner are experts in proper care of their goats and keeping their product organic
¡  Other offerings, non-core products are: fresh young coconut drink/meat, Japanese Sweet Corn, Milk with Jelly, Rambutan, Durian, Tilapia, Salted Eggs & Balut
¡  They also offer a farm tour at their place in Pila, Laguna. This will be a combination of seeing their livestocks, how they make organic produce, experience life in the farm and also get a load of organic products served as meals during the course of the tour.
Main Value Proposition:
Organic, Healthy & Nutritious Food and Beverage

Business Concept:
¡  Focused only to sell bottled beverages made from fresh tropical fruits in the Philippines. Intended for the sporty crowd around their stall, a good complement to stalls that offer only light snacks and food.
¡  They have partially-frozen or icy beverages made with natural fruit like Dalandan, Watermelon, Buko Pandan, Melon.
Main Value Proposition:
All-natural summer thirst-quenchers and coolers

Business Concept:
¡  Sell breaded seafood variety such as squid, prawn, crablets, tawilis & quail egg as snacks. A special vinegar goes as a dip. They sell to those who are not that hungry, loves seafood and love 'em crispy and freshly cooked.
Main Value Proposition:
¡  Tasty crispy seafood, crunchy and right-sized for easy munching. The special breading ensures that the intended flavor/spices in each of the food will be savoured in every bite.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Factors paper by Gio Mendoza

Factors Paper
By: Gio Mendoza

My analysis of factors that can make or not make me an entrepreneur is conducted by looking into some of the following facets and past experiences in life.

I have this mindset that if there is a better leader than me, I would not be willing to take up the helm. There's that inferiority complex and worry that I may not deliver the right results that I wanted to and what is expected of me. I have that fear of failure which is not a good factor to being an entrepreneur. My first experience of being a leader or as a person in charge was during my high schools days when I was elected as class president during my sophomore year. I did not really stepped forward to be a candidate in the first place, but it's too tough to quit when somebody endorsed me and all voted for me. Besides, I am not really a quitter, which is a good factor to becoming an entrepreneur. Leaders should be risk-takers. I'm not usually one who is a natural at that. I would only take a step or decision if I'm 100% sure that all possibilities are taken into account. However, such calculative nature of mine can be a positive factor to becoming an entrepreneur since one should assess all risks as much as possible. However, it is somewhat my weakness to make a judgement call if there are limited facts which may not be a good factor. When I was handed my first management job in 2003 starting up and managing our South China in Guangzhou, I had no formal education in management then. I had to rely on my own personal understanding of management which I have come to pick up from previous work experiences. I realized now that I had problem listening to others, perhaps not a good factor to becoming an entrepreneur. I always wanted others to do things my way, exactly the way I want it. I have a tendency to be stubborn which could be a good factor, though surely there are pitfalls in not listening to others. Well, a great entrepreneur like Steve Jobs was also stubborn and he always had his own way others say. I also have problems delegating work, which is not a good factor for an entrepreneur as it tends to burn them out. A good leader delegates, as they say. When I set up our direct support office here in Philippines, from the ground up, I have to work real hard. I remember even coming to office during Saturdays and Sundays in the first two years of our operation. The passion, the will to perform and achieve drives me to forget about the time I spent at work and just get things done no matter what. I tend to be workaholic, which is a good factor for becoming an entrepreneur. I really wanted to be hands-on in the business until the whole operation and people reaches sustainable level where I can back off a little and delegate some tasks one by one.

My innate character is partly explained in my Enneagram Test Result I took more than two years ago, by Eclectic Energies at that website, which says I'm likely a Type 1 or The Reformer. Type 1 personality was interpreted as: "Perfectionists, responsible, fixated on improvement. People of this personality type are essentially looking to make things better, as they think nothing is ever quite good enough. Ones have a fine eye for detail. They are always aware of the flaws in themselves, others and the situations in which they find themselves. This triggers their need to improve, which can be beneficial for all concerned, but which can also prove to be burdensome to both the One and those who are on the receiving end of the One's reform efforts. Ones are serious people; they tend to be highly principled, competent and uncompromising. They follow the rules and expect others to do so as well. Because they believe so thoroughly in their convictions, they are often excellent leaders who can inspire those who follow them with their own vision of excellence. Ones are often driven and ambitious, and are sometimes workaholics. But whatever their professional involvement, they are definitely active, practical people who get things done. They are natural born organizers, list makers who finish everything on the list, the last one to leave the office, the first one to return, industrious, reliable, honest and dutiful. The relentlessness of their pursuit of the ideal can make Ones tense people who have a hard time relaxing and who unnecessarily deny themselves many of the harmless pleasures of life. They are seldom spontaneous. They have multiple interests and talents however; they are self-reliant and seldom run out of things to do. Ones are often intelligent and independent.. Ones are primarily people of action, not thought."

Interests and Skills
If I put interest in certain area, I normally focus and put lots of energies to it. My various interests are music, tech gadgets, science, machinery and audio equipment. I have passion in doing things, which is a good factor. In my childhood years, I tend to build my own toys since I am too afraid to ask my parents to buy me real toys. I like to build things, i love doing such actually. I like to dream or make my imagination work but also see my ideas become a reality which is a good factor to becoming an entrepreneur. I like fixing things and doing improvements. I have a skill for improvisation, using what I have to solve problems at hand. I like to troubleshoot. The same interests got me to enroll in engineering.  When I was hired as sales and service engineer by a local trading firm (NEIC), it gave me a much needed break to apply my troubleshooting skills on machinery that I was selling. I was hands-on and went through much difficulty at first since I only had a crash course or training on the job as the former engineer in charge of the product or department is leaving the company for a work abroad in a week's time when they ask me to take his place. I remember that I had to read all the equipment manuals late at night, when I'm on my way to work and while going to the project site. Again, I always have that passion and drive to excel which is a good factor.

I believe that every person can be an entrepreneur if one wishes to be. Entrepreneurs are made. Though I have several negative factors, but these can be overcome and I have seen myself improve on them over the years. I am convinced that I have enough good factors or qualities which I can build upon in order to become a successful entrepreneur when the right time comes.  3