Showing posts with label Emmanuel. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Emmanuel. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Our Spentrep Class last night November 11, at H de la Costa campus

                                    Emmanuel and his Business Model, BMI presentation

We held the semi penultimate entrep class last night at H de la Costa.  The most significant events were the Business Model and Business Model Innovation by Emmanuel.

I initially started the class with the review of Business Planning, a major class requirement.  I touched on the business concept, business model, and business objective (VMOKRAPI)  Well my review and the SR jived.  As for the assignment on food trip, they had to practice doing the business concept and MVP.

We had two case analyses last night:  Pranav and MICO .  The Pranav Case took almost two hours, for me to call everybody.  There was one who was absent.  He will get 0 for today.  Two were not prepared and that was too bad because this exercise is worth 10 points and there are just two cases remaining:  Entrep Families of Asia and Victoria Court.

Pranav was about the business concept and business objective.   Mico was about PTM and business processes being directed by PTM.  It is very interesting to note that case analyses dynamics differ in every class, and sometimes the class goes into a debate and dilemna.  Same facts are viewed differently by individuals, or some see the facts differently.  Common defects are:   students do not appreciate the situation and the limitation of the situation and argue disregarding the constraints presented by the case;  some are very disciplined and stick to the facts and one of them is Elmer.  Some are really strategic seeing the case in terms of the business concept, coming to grips with the business reality. Martin was sagacious last night

Reality, would you stick to your guns if the situation that you initially hypothesized is not there.

The importance of meticulous planning before the event here cannot be over emphasized.  The  proponents, according to the case discussants were rather foolhardy, doing the planning and data gathering when they started to experience losses

"Fail to plan and plan to fail" by Benjamin Franklin holds water here

We only managed to do the PTM drawing for MICO

                                         Jaimes PTM had funny hair

                                       Gio putting the final touch for his lady PTM

                                  Group 4s lady could qualify for Ms. PHL

                                   Group 4 trying to figure out how their PTM would look like