Showing posts with label incremental. Show all posts
Showing posts with label incremental. Show all posts

Friday, October 11, 2013

What will I do with the two commercial properties assigned to me for a business concept proposal

Offhand, these are my ideas on how to go about this.

Major strategies:

1.  I will go on a developmental, incremental development, to prepare our finances and the market (I did this with the commercial complex we had, as what the Ortigas did with Greenhills and tiendesitas)  For tiendensitas:

Phase 1  cosntruction of the open air tiendesitas, inviting tiangges and cheap rental

Phase 2 -  Hypermart and motor city

Phase 3 -  Call center and church

Phase 4  -  Now commercial complex, remodelling of tiendesitas, high rise condo construction

2.  Starting point  -   create differentiated points of interest for the subject property that will draw crowd.

1 hectare property:

The place will be called "Creekside"  The live flowing creek will be the point of interest.  (Or could be barbecue park)

Phase 1  -  Barbecue park, and other recreation;  darts, and some other restaurants.

Phase 2  -  Office buildings, computer shops, cafes,  ministops

Phase 3  -  Town house, residential development




2 hectare property

 Phase 1    Fun house center, with tiangge food stalls (a la Makati ave)

or a Tiangge Mall


Phase 2   Medium luxury residential townhouse