Showing posts with label surgicenter. Show all posts
Showing posts with label surgicenter. Show all posts

Friday, October 11, 2013

My cousin wants me to conceptualize a cosmetic surgi cum birthing center

In the birthday celebration of my aunt (76 years old today) the cousin wants me to develop a business concept plan for her.  She knows I am interested in low cost health care.

1.  concept   -  cosmetic surgicenter with delivery room;  the surgicenter has to be private, because those who want repair jobs do not want to be seen;  She will, as she is training for this now be using the surgicenter.   The delivery center will be priced at P4t each;   nursing teams will be paid per delivery at say x amount, and the delivery center will primarily be a training ground for ob gyne residents wanting to have more dr experience.

Shared resources:   nurses, residents, or, building, thus costs will be lower.  Location is near the public hospital

For those who have basic delivery and anaesthesia  -  x amount;

For those who want more anaesthesia etc   -  y amount

For those who want to bring their own ob -   z amount

2/3 of the birthing center will be for x amount;  the y and z patients will subsidize the cost of the x patient.

The residents will get x amount for say    x number of delivery per month;  however, for those in excess, they will get the same amount.  This is the Dr. Devi Shetty formula in India.

I said I will attend to this after we finish her condo.