Showing posts with label health care. Show all posts
Showing posts with label health care. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

We can lessen cost of health care, cant we?

Makati, Philippines |  March 18, 2014

One of our colleagues at the faculty is undergoing hemodialysis and she spends about P70t a month, a huge financial drain which could not be supported by teaching.  Perhaps she has insurance.  Philhealth covers only 45 dialysis, as approved by DOH Sec. Ona.  She observed that some who can not afford the dialysis just die without the treatment.  They simply can not afford the cost.   Even elderly doctors who have kidney failure are experiencing this financial difficulty.   A doctor whom she saw, about 80 years old, does not want his house to be sold just to cover his dialysis expenses

But I mentioned to the good professor that in Naradhayana hospital in India, headed by Dr. Shetty, hemodialyis is only $10 per ( or roughly P450.00) The lowest priced hemo dialysis is P2,500 in the Philippines.

The colleague said it must be wonderful if:  Dr. Shetty comes to the Philippines; or that somebody in the Philippines does it.

I said I will convince a group of MDs, NGOs, and other backers just to offer this just hemodialysis for $10.00

Friday, October 11, 2013

My cousin wants me to conceptualize a cosmetic surgi cum birthing center

In the birthday celebration of my aunt (76 years old today) the cousin wants me to develop a business concept plan for her.  She knows I am interested in low cost health care.

1.  concept   -  cosmetic surgicenter with delivery room;  the surgicenter has to be private, because those who want repair jobs do not want to be seen;  She will, as she is training for this now be using the surgicenter.   The delivery center will be priced at P4t each;   nursing teams will be paid per delivery at say x amount, and the delivery center will primarily be a training ground for ob gyne residents wanting to have more dr experience.

Shared resources:   nurses, residents, or, building, thus costs will be lower.  Location is near the public hospital

For those who have basic delivery and anaesthesia  -  x amount;

For those who want more anaesthesia etc   -  y amount

For those who want to bring their own ob -   z amount

2/3 of the birthing center will be for x amount;  the y and z patients will subsidize the cost of the x patient.

The residents will get x amount for say    x number of delivery per month;  however, for those in excess, they will get the same amount.  This is the Dr. Devi Shetty formula in India.

I said I will attend to this after we finish her condo.