Saturday, October 5, 2013

Example of business concept and MVP for a new business we have established

In making a business plan, the entrep students must be able to clarify and crystallize very well the business concept and the business model.  The business concept must be expressed in 50 words or less that describes the product, the target market, and the marketplace.

The business model on the other hand includes:   PTM, customer bond, link, revenues stream, on the communication/customer contact side;   on the supply side:  it contains the partner, the key resources, key activities and major costs.

Our new business connected with our Lending company is marketing, referring, distributing solar aircon; and also financing the acquisition of solar aircon.  The customer's amortization shall be his savings for the use of solar aircon.

Read more about solar aircon at this site:   solar aircon  It is not about photovoltaic cells or solar cells powering the aircon.  It is something very different.

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