Monday, February 20, 2023

US govt intervention in financial crisis of 2008

Every generation needs a revolution - an entrepreneurial revolution

This post went through several videos on the financial crisis of 2008

Several questions were raised?

1  Should the US govt bailed out Lehman brothers.?
    The prevailing thought was no   It is a private enterprise  Corporate greed
     (the  top dog said to have earned $200 to $500 million on their record year)
    and that the govt is not empowered to assist private enterprise.   

    Well the bail out or even the guarantees could have been very small say $5 to $10B.  Thereafter the         govt poured in at least $500 B in QE funds which did not lift the economy soon enough  And the             TARP ( Troubled Assets Relief Program about $500 billion) Not to mention the recession and huge          losses for many people

      Could the FED have stopped the practice of sub prime mortgages.   Alan Greenspan said that
      it was part of the 30% where he made an ooops.  

     The US Govt was not in the mood for more bail outs of the  too big to fail.  It just rescued Bear
      Stearns, Ginna Mae and Fanna Mae (the govt secondary mortgage markets

2.   Was the private company Lehman entirely responsible for this failure

      According to a Chief Economist Brian Wesbury lecture at TED talk, the indigestion at Lehman was        the result    interest rates that led to more mortgages and subprime mortgages  It is also the fault of          the firm  management, not managing well the down side of subprime mortgages and investing                heavily on such risky product   Clearly Lehman was not in this alone

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