Sunday, June 30, 2024

TSMC (Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company) founded by Morris Chang in 1987 after he was passed by to be CEO of Texas Instrument

Every generation needs a revolution - an entrepreneurial revolution

TSMC is one of the top 20 companies in current times, with total resources nearing trillions.   In a way they control the world, and probably one reason why China wants to invade Taiwan.   

From being a failure to pass PhD at MIT,  Morris Chang became a worker at Texas Instrument.  He eventually became a VP for semiconductor at Texas Instrument.  At 55, he resigned from TI to head Taiwan's semiconductor factor y.  And never looked back.

TSMC has end to end facility:   design and manufacturing of microchips.  

They left behind some of the US biggies in semicon:   AMD and  Intel.

There are many Filipino execs expatriate who have worked at Semicon.  Can we have our own Morris Chang?

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