Showing posts with label Taiwan. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Taiwan. Show all posts

Sunday, June 30, 2024

TSMC (Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company) founded by Morris Chang in 1987 after he was passed by to be CEO of Texas Instrument

Every generation needs a revolution - an entrepreneurial revolution

TSMC is one of the top 20 companies in current times, with total resources nearing trillions.   In a way they control the world, and probably one reason why China wants to invade Taiwan.   

From being a failure to pass PhD at MIT,  Morris Chang became a worker at Texas Instrument.  He eventually became a VP for semiconductor at Texas Instrument.  At 55, he resigned from TI to head Taiwan's semiconductor factor y.  And never looked back.

TSMC has end to end facility:   design and manufacturing of microchips.  

They left behind some of the US biggies in semicon:   AMD and  Intel.

There are many Filipino execs expatriate who have worked at Semicon.  Can we have our own Morris Chang?

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Economic miracles came with big help from friends

Every generation needs a revolution - an entrepreneurial revolution

We often are mystified by the miracle of economic development of neighboring countries.  With no extractive wealth resources these countries managed to be richer than most of other nations.

But they did with much help from friends.    US helped Japan by encouraging it to manufacturing goods and exporting the same to US.  Korea survived postwar with aid from USA sometimes up to 80% of Korean budget and entering into huge contracts with US companies for outsourcing.   China grew big because of outsourcing of cheap products for US retailers.   Taiwan industrialized when under Japan.   It developed its agriculture when it exported food to Japan

We are glad that PHL on its own step by step grew on its own.  By trial and error.   

Monday, June 17, 2024

Secret of how Taiwan got rich

Every generation needs a revolution - an entrepreneurial revolution A deeper understanding of why and how Taiwan got rich. The different system of Japanese colonization. Japan early on helped them become industrialized