Showing posts with label China. Show all posts
Showing posts with label China. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Economic miracles came with big help from friends

Every generation needs a revolution - an entrepreneurial revolution

We often are mystified by the miracle of economic development of neighboring countries.  With no extractive wealth resources these countries managed to be richer than most of other nations.

But they did with much help from friends.    US helped Japan by encouraging it to manufacturing goods and exporting the same to US.  Korea survived postwar with aid from USA sometimes up to 80% of Korean budget and entering into huge contracts with US companies for outsourcing.   China grew big because of outsourcing of cheap products for US retailers.   Taiwan industrialized when under Japan.   It developed its agriculture when it exported food to Japan

We are glad that PHL on its own step by step grew on its own.  By trial and error.   

Monday, May 27, 2024

Make love not war ... with China

Every generation needs a revolution - an entrepreneurial revolution

Except for Israel and Ukraine, most nations will not go to war.  Many think that PRC is simply sable rattling for Taiwan.  There is so much to lose from going to wart, so much to gain from not going to war.

And so with PHL in relation to China. China is a long time trading partners.  So much in our culture we owe from Chinese,  food, language etc.   The earliest trading post with Chinese are in Otong Iloilo

The Chinese dreaded the Visayan marauders/pirates.  

This post is no PRRD defender.  But he must be commended for taking a pacifist albeit "treasonable" agreements   So much to  lose from trade and prosperity.   

By siding with US we have become a US proxy in this deadly cloak and dagger geopolitics.  The US welfare is not equal to Philippine welfare.   And China is employing a different kind of warfare with its enemies:    They call it unrestricted warfare that cover:   biological, military, economic, social, IT.
Our country's strategists must study all the fronts with adequate countermeasures.    Coast guard to coast guard cutter may  not be enough.   

We have to fight this war as smartly as they are conducting this now   

The hawks are having their time in the suites of power and authority  But it is time to pause and not be carried by false sense of patriotism.  Is not taking care of our jobs and economy not patriotism 

The Lord is all ready punishing the almighty country floods, financial scandals, unrest.  And the islands they byukt are subjubg

Think again.

Thursday, June 8, 2023

Philippines seen as emerging manufacturing hub together with Bangladesh and Vietnam

Every generation needs a revolution - an entrepreneurial revolution

Philippine is upbeat with fantastic 6.4% QI performance.  Add to this is the news that according to report
of BMI a Fitch Solutions company that Philippines is emerging as manufacturing hub together with Vietnam and Bangladesh.  This is due to improvement of supply chain (before the pier congestion brought about by BOC challenges) created bottlenecks and upgrading of manufacturing skills and capabilities

We have seen the exit of manufacturers from China and where do they migrate to?

Some quarters even place Philippines as No. 29 in GDP performance

Monday, January 23, 2017

China's strategy to jump start economy

Every generation needs a revolution - an entrepreneurial revolution

Rizal Philippines
January 23, 2017

Image result for China relocates migrant farmers to 3rd tier cities

From Bloomberg - rebalancing Chinas economy

NHK recently featured China's strategy to jump start economy.  It is moving development to 3rd tier cities relocating many migrant farmers from 2nd tier cities.  It is called hukou.  I t will help soak the excess housing in the 3rd and fourth tier cities, and create more consumer driven economy
How we wish we could do that as we legislate in creating cities, we should invite give incentives  to industries and developers to move to this cities.  Thus decongesting MM and evenly spreading  progress at the country side.  Some cities like Sto Tomas, Tanauan  Bacoor fall into this mold;  but others do not. (natural ;progression because of MM spill over?)

China has finally encouraged labor mobility following years of restrictions

But the documentary says that such move, sound as they may from macro economic point of view has dire consequences in the lives of the farmers.   Many simply can not adopt to the changes. The farmers former businesses are demolished and they are forcibly forced to move out.   There is lack of consultation with the those affected parties and lack of safety net to those affected. It would have been perfect.

We lack the thoroughness in the country to plan this way, and to give the same support to spread development and entrepreneurship across the nation