Showing posts with label US. Show all posts
Showing posts with label US. Show all posts

Monday, May 27, 2024

Make love not war ... with China

Every generation needs a revolution - an entrepreneurial revolution

Except for Israel and Ukraine, most nations will not go to war.  Many think that PRC is simply sable rattling for Taiwan.  There is so much to lose from going to wart, so much to gain from not going to war.

And so with PHL in relation to China. China is a long time trading partners.  So much in our culture we owe from Chinese,  food, language etc.   The earliest trading post with Chinese are in Otong Iloilo

The Chinese dreaded the Visayan marauders/pirates.  

This post is no PRRD defender.  But he must be commended for taking a pacifist albeit "treasonable" agreements   So much to  lose from trade and prosperity.   

By siding with US we have become a US proxy in this deadly cloak and dagger geopolitics.  The US welfare is not equal to Philippine welfare.   And China is employing a different kind of warfare with its enemies:    They call it unrestricted warfare that cover:   biological, military, economic, social, IT.
Our country's strategists must study all the fronts with adequate countermeasures.    Coast guard to coast guard cutter may  not be enough.   

We have to fight this war as smartly as they are conducting this now   

The hawks are having their time in the suites of power and authority  But it is time to pause and not be carried by false sense of patriotism.  Is not taking care of our jobs and economy not patriotism 

The Lord is all ready punishing the almighty country floods, financial scandals, unrest.  And the islands they byukt are subjubg

Think again.

Wednesday, May 17, 2023

More retail stores being established in PHL despite closing trend in US

Every generation needs a revolution - an entrepreneurial revolution

As this post travels and bikes, it is observed that the construction of retail convenient stores is on the rise.  The experience of this post is that retail margins are paper and even blade thin. Couple this with high
power costs  high labor costs due to night differential, security cost and theft from shoplifting and you can see that risks are high.

Or the business model is that of a convenience stores where margins could be 15% to 20%

See the folding up of many retail stores in US closing by the thousands (being replaced by on line stores)

Is the situation in the Philippines markedly different.?   Will the stores survive?

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

US, the World's Big Brother/Policeman's Influence is Waning

The World of Influence for the US Is Shrinking Along With Use of the Dollar | November 6, 2013
repost from Money Max by Asashi Advan

Which came first, the loss of dollar as a trading currency, or loss of confidence in US because of the suspicion brought about by news of its spying on its allies.?  Asian friends, South Americans, Europeans are beginning to show hostility towards US, and the declining value of dollar.  17% of trade was carried in Rambi (Chinese Yuan last year)

We can couple this with the growing loss of confidence in US leaders/politicians quarelling over budget and forcing govt shutdownm huge debt, deficit

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

A sight to behold in Makati City, while US, the greatest country (before) in world flounders!

Makati City, PHL   | October 14, 2013

 The Petron building, tall and imposing at Buendia

Yesterday, I tried to see the A venue at Makati Avenue, near Kalayaan , where we had the Food Trip early this year.  Unfortunately it is gone.  What used to be tiangge site is back to its original purpose - a parking lot.

However I had the opportunity to take pictures of the now imposing skyline of Makati (it is even more imposing).  I walked and I had my camera, and the lighting was perfect.

Oh how proud we should be of the 7.8% GDP growth  of the PHL, vs the 2+% of US of A.  And while our country coasts along to this growth, US is experiencing  1.  a shutdown for the 13th day 2.  and a possible default on its debt, a downgrade, increase in interest rate, destruction of the world financial system that may drag the rest of Asian economies to an abyss.

Let us enjoy the pictures of our progress. It is a karma.  If you watch "Amigo" at Cinema 1 (cable TV) you will feel terrible on how the Americans treated the Filipinos during the Filipino American war at the turn of century.  This is a vindication.  While there is hopelessness and poverty spreading in their country, in the PHL this what we see.

                                    Are we in the PHL or in HK? Nice buildings eh?