Saturday, June 22, 2024

What should the starting point of business be: resources or opportunities

Every generation needs a revolution - an entrepreneurial revolution

On our way to a buffet celebration in a spot near Roxas boulevard,  I saw many commercial building newly built with FOR RENT/LEASE SIGNS.   What happens when there are no takers, lessors, tenants.  Unproductive investment.  

The way we were made to understand and teach the entrep students was to seek opportunities first then provide the resources/production facilities.  

Hence we have the exercise known as serendipity walk, where the student is asked to walk as street and list down as many opportunities as he can see.    Some come out with several dozens and discover that they can be a consultant to those seeking business to establish.  

What do we call person who can see things that are not there?  Visionaries...  right....

One time we asked a Sales Manager of a multi storey condominium in front of a mens Univesity, why the condo was put up?  She said because he has too much money.....

Well what about those who have little capital and borrowed much.  Its a disaster.  

So the next time you put up a building, be sure you have a list of business needed in the area where you are putting up a building   No need to seek for tenants later on with the FOR RENT sign.  

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