Saturday, June 22, 2024

If anything comes up, may be we can talk... re hazmat and municipal waste

Every generation needs a revolution - an entrepreneurial revolution

I talked to the husband of a mangkin who is an Englishman who used to work as an expatriate in Indonesia.  He says he is looking for a job and his specialty is marketing and business development.  If there is anything that comes up, then we can talk.   

I said what I have in mind since I know someone who has made an incinerator and has sold an incinerator to a municipality, I thought of business development marketing of:
      1.  hospital incinerator for has mat
      2.  municipal incinerator cum power gen  -- you need a heat exchanger for this.   

Of course the response always to this opportunity seeking brainstorming is - how will it affect carbon footprint and toxic emission.  But its the lesser of two evils:   for hospital having toxic waste or 0 toxic waste, for municipality without landfill -  shall garbage pile up.   

I dont think he is up to it nor interested.   

I will find a way to get around this goal.   

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