Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Complications being encountered in a deal

Every generation needs a revolution - an entrepreneurial revolution

A deal that we were into went south because the brothers did not agree and wanted sale instead of JV.  So there was a replacement.  Another 3 hectare which looked like a good site.

The other brothers whom we were dealing with heavy equipment several years back were all ready done for. The father all ready said yes.  It was a matter of shaking hands.    However they said they were waiting for a half brother who would come from the states to seal the deal.  

However his conversation veered towards sale.   To which I said to sell this untitled property would be extremely challenging because the Guido case has made titling next to  impossible.  He wants a valuaution to which no appraiser would agree to because his property has no title.    He wants me to make an offer first  but we had no documents .   Certainly not the wisest way to do business-  making an offer for real property whose boundaries, docs number you do not know?  Not even the owner?

The other brothers may be realized this is a good deal that is why they are willing.   The new entry (a half brother) was trying to get attention.  They should be thankful for such an offer

Maybe Guido just like in Maclang would buy them for P1,000 per sm.   Investors have avoided land purchase in this area because of Guido case.  God bless them.   

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