Thursday, July 11, 2024

What is the contribution of this post to nation building?

Every generation needs a revolution - an entrepreneurial revolution

May be not much.   Or none or if there is very little.  Anyway, Larry Farrel, an entrepreneur guru says we only need a little of:   money, resources.  But we need tons of passion and dedication.  

We have had maybe less than a thousand students at GSB taught this subject, and motivated by the teaching.  There are thousand posts, and they are free to anyone.   Many power  point shared via Linked in/slideshare.    Seminal jobs for free probono Go Negosyo caravan.  

According to Sadhguru, many things on this earth are germinated by thoughts.  And many thoughts we shared for free over the net.   

We trained many employees too.   And had free posts on our business.  

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