Showing posts with label August 25 2013. Show all posts
Showing posts with label August 25 2013. Show all posts

Monday, September 2, 2013

I emailed the Spentrep class for advanced preparation

Michael Paolo

I am going to be your facilitator in the elective, entrepreneurship which should have started 2 weeks ago.  But two successive flooding/typhoon on a Monday cancelled our class.
Tomorrow is National Heroes day, there would be no class again.
In order to make your days productive:
l. Please walk through the syllabus which may have in hard copy or click the blogsite (profjorgeentrep- jorge, or profjorgeentrep- ateneo) for the syllabus. Please read this carefully:  the grading system and the assignment.
2.  You can answer the learning agreement and submit the hard copy by next Monday.
3.  You start working on the following assignments:  inspirational videos (please see samples on site)
4.  Please familiarize yourself on the websites, and how to submit assignments on line.  The websites (blogs sites have been marked for you at the bottom of this page for your convenience.
5.  You can view the powerpoint at slideshare under my name.  It is at slideshare. You can click the link at the profjorgeentrep - jorge or ateneo blogsite for advanced viewing of the course.
I emailed the four of you because I felt you have leadership in the class (I hope I am correct) and please forward to your classmates.
Have blessed week end.  Sincerely