Showing posts with label BP draft. Show all posts
Showing posts with label BP draft. Show all posts

Monday, April 29, 2013

Consultation on Tube Ice business yesterday with Dra VG

Angono, Rizal   PHL   | April 29, 2013

I had consultation/mentoring with one of the MBAH entrep students.  It was supposed to be last Saturday but it rained so hard and there was even thunder and lightning.  I could not leave up to 4 30 and our meeting was supposed to be at 5:30 at the Podium and I had to beg off.  It was reset yesterday at SM Taytay.

Call that interest and passion;  while others were texting me on postponement of the deadline (too late) this guy was on fixing the finer points of her business plan.  Instead of just advising her on the business of tube ice:

I advised her on how to save energy costs;

On use of solar for cooling

New business concept for her (instead of just selling ice)

It was an opportunity to learn more outside the box, be creative and bring her business to new level

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Business plan draft by Analize Mendoza

I.               CURRENT SITUATION:
a.     Who we are, our passion
b.     What do we want to be, our dreams, interests
To make it big in the business and still make people healthy by offering only healthy drinks.
c.      Our resources; financial talents
Savings and credits from supplier friends ( for buko )
d.     My networks
Friends, family , colleagues
II.             RANGE OF OPTIONS:
a.     Product Ideas
Will offer only healthy drink such as Buko juice or shake. Price should be reasonable as healthy option need not be expensive. Operation will be Monday to Sunday 10:00 am to 9:00 pm.
b.     How do they match our current situation
1.     My friend is a buko supplier from Quezon.
2.     An investment of 250,000 pesos including 5,500 worth of supplies, food cart, machine for making a hole in the bottle to be used
3.     Our MBA background can help us plan and execute our business ideas.
c.      What is the USP/MVP
The trend now is getting healthy, as it is cheaper to stay healthy than be sick.
1.     Put tarpaulins beside the kiosk of the health benefits of drinking buko juice and staying healthy.
a.     Current ranges of offerings
b.     Focused group discussions
c.      Micro market analysis (you, the competition, location)
The volume of MRT and LRT users in a day is 50,000, while people who go to groceries are more than 50,000.
Buko Juice target market are composed of commuters and grocery shoppers around Metro Manila.
The position of the PTM is located in Cherry Foodarama Congressional Ave Quezon City with an estimate of 5,000 people who go to the grocery and the tiangges inside the grocery.
d.     Makro Market analysis: PESTEL
a.     Business model canvass
b.     MVP/USP
c.      Demanded side: PTM, customer link, customer bond
d.     Business side: Key activities, key resources, partners and the configuration
e.     Revenue and cost model
2. COG
4.Desired ROIC
V.              PRODUCT
a.     Design: Drawing BOM
b.     Production Process: how is it to be produced, engineering, quality control
c.      Distribution, logistics needed
d.     Product testing, alpha and beta
e.     Competitive analysis; why is your product differentiated
a. Restate customer wants and needs; how are they pissed off by c            c             competitive products
b.  Historical industry data, past,  what is the trend (micro and macro market)
c.  Estimated market share;   what is the basis?
d. What will you do to influence the outcome?
e.  Who will achieve you help your sales goal
f.  Degree of confidence in the projection
a.     Vision
b.     Mission
c.      Values
d.     Objectives and Key Result Areas
e.     Performance indicators
f.      Financial ( at least 3 years)
g.     Customer impact
h.     Job generation and welfare
i.       Going international? Global (How do you finance the business growth?)

Mention KRAs and PI

Add:   enterprise delivery system;   like the PDQ;   ITO;  what in the enterprise must be done to achieve the objectives;   what inputs, process, outputs are needed.  This must be very detailed)

VIII.        COMPLIANCE WITH REGULATIONS: Local, national, international. What do you if  you encounter difficulties? < must be detailed>
a.     What difficulties will cause you to give up?
b.     What will be your range of options?
c.      What will you do if you are successful?
           <add adding, subtracting, multiplying, dividing the business
X.              REFERENCES
XI.            APPENDICES

Ana G. Mendoza
Tel no. 927-7063 loc 108