Showing posts with label solar. Show all posts
Showing posts with label solar. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Creating opportunities and wealth from what one has

Every generation needs a revolution - an entrepreneurial revolution

Rizal Philippines
August 16, 2016

Image result for epole

Today I brainstormed with a lady Chairman of a group of companies and former CEO of a huge financing company, chemical company that supplied all the chemical needs of the detergent FMCG in the country. She is 55, he is 73 but still very creative and innovative.

He invited me to be executive director of the group who will form a holding company:

The holding company will gather capital and invest 50%-50% in the following ventures:

            1. Bank (the rural bank which we are working on now)

            2,  Real Estate (horizontal and vertical)

            3. Schools

            4. Health Care (nursing and hospitals

            5. Energy (solar)

            6  Telecom  (e Pole)   from Enersphere  designed to solve telecom congestion, dropped calls and slow internet speed

The various groups will have their own CEO and be profit center, and funds will be raised through ordinary subscriptions and even IPO.  This calls for a hard driving CEO who will kick ass. The elderly CEO thinks I am talented enough to run this complexity and kick ass (or more mildly nudge

This will be a conglomerate approach just like MVP group (energy, telecom/utilities), Aboitiz (power and banking or San Miguel (food energy, and construction) or Phinma which is into schools, real estate and energy (divested from  cement and construction/technology

How will I be compensated, do I have time for this.?  Initially once a week and as a consultant. Or be fee based on projects.  He likes my approach as an academician businessman which is methodical, organized and scientific

 The businesses we talk about amount to:

1.  School   -   100,000,000 million

2.  Solar manufacturing -   100,000,000 million

3.  Bank                         -   100,000,000 million

4.  Real estate               -    400,000,000 million raw land value

We now have a asset for stock swap capitalization for the holding company:  200,000,000 million (conservative appraisal) consisting of 24 hectares of prime land (along the highway) near the Philippine Sports Arena.    Earlier, raising capital for holding company was problem, today, we have a solution

Wow.  Just brainstorming and manipulating the assets and applying innovation can create more wealth and opportunities for many people

Monday, April 29, 2013

Consultation on Tube Ice business yesterday with Dra VG

Angono, Rizal   PHL   | April 29, 2013

I had consultation/mentoring with one of the MBAH entrep students.  It was supposed to be last Saturday but it rained so hard and there was even thunder and lightning.  I could not leave up to 4 30 and our meeting was supposed to be at 5:30 at the Podium and I had to beg off.  It was reset yesterday at SM Taytay.

Call that interest and passion;  while others were texting me on postponement of the deadline (too late) this guy was on fixing the finer points of her business plan.  Instead of just advising her on the business of tube ice:

I advised her on how to save energy costs;

On use of solar for cooling

New business concept for her (instead of just selling ice)

It was an opportunity to learn more outside the box, be creative and bring her business to new level