Showing posts with label Bloomberg. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bloomberg. Show all posts

Friday, January 4, 2013

What is happenning to the ED drug market?

The two primary players in the market are Cialis of Eli Lilly and Viagra of Pfizer.  Which is the winner. Pfizer reportedly eliminated 20% of the workforce?

Has product superiority something to do with this?  Or is it marketing or the business model?

Apple may ship iWatch this coming summer?

Is this just Ipod Nano upgrade?   Is this a mini version of the iPhone?  It would be fine if it a Dick Tracy dream?

Will the market go for it?

What about the sentiment that Apple having its products made in China is anti US workers?

Apple's amazing 2012 profits

From Bloomberg Businessweek

Many were saddenned by the last quarter dip of Apple profits.  But Apple made an astonishing $41.7 on $156.5 Billion revenue.

On the other hand the combined revenue of FB, Yahoo, Microsoft, Amazon,  Google, during the same period - September 2011 to October 2012 was $34.7.  (that is the combined Net Income of the above mentioned companies.  (Apple made $7billion more).  That is why in July 2011, Apple was reported to have more cash on hand than US Treasury.

Intel, HP, Lenovo, IBM made less than half of what Apple made, and so with Walt Disney.  Nokia and HTC only made only $12 billion.  (How about Samsung?)

This  amazing for Apple