Showing posts with label DLSU. Show all posts
Showing posts with label DLSU. Show all posts

Monday, January 13, 2014

It is a small world with Coke, especially at Coke Iloilo and its plant manager

Rizal, Philippines   |  January 13, 2014

                                   Ramey, the man in the middle, with his group mates

I had a seatmate at the PAL plane flight 931 going to Iloilo who said he was going to vacation in Iloilo.

He did not speak much because he was very much focused with his laptop ( A noted very bad practice because the laptop radiation can burn the skin and very bad for sexual/reproductive health)

As the plane was about to land, I remarked that he would not be enjoying his vacation as he could not leave the laptop behind.  And when I asked him where he worked, he said he works for Coke;  and it rang a bell because one of the students for the UI - Ateneo is a plant manager of Coke in Iloilo.  I showed him the class list which included Ramey Clavecilla, Plant Manager of Iloilo (and whose email address is at Coke)   He said that he is also taking up MBA in DLSU, is from Lipa City, and should have taken up MBA at AGSB Lipa.  He name is Willie, and he is on final stages of his MBA.  He said that in La Salle you do things for your MBA:   a thesis and a Strama (since it is PAASCU accredited)

He was with his boss, Angel and their mission was not to make Friday a pleasant day for Ramey.  True enough, Ramey replied to my SMS, that I met his tormentor at the plane, only late in the afternoon.  He was not given even time to look at his cellphone.

In the class on January 11, Ramey bore the brunt on not so friendly things about Coke:

1.  One was about an article on other household use of Coke, not as a drink;

2.  The C2 onslaught by JG, vs caught.

I apologized to Ramey in behalf of the class for the unpleasant exchanges, even from his groupmates.

Sorry, Ramey, it was not your day.

"Things get better with Coke."

                                      PAL flight to Iloilo


Friday, November 15, 2013

Ateneo Hosts PRME forum in Asia; Dr.Philip Juico delivers the keynote speech

Fourth Regional PRME Forum | APS Auditorium, APS Building, Makati City, PHL |  November 15, 2013

Dr. Philip Juico, former head of DAR, PHL government during the time of Pres. Cory Aquino, Dean of De la Salle University delivered the key note speech of the 4th PRME Regional Forum in Asia (a UN backed initiative)  The forum was organized by DLSU in cooperation with AGSB, and AIM.

Dean Ricardo Lim delivered a lecture for AIM while Dr. Carol Guina talked about the research agenda of AGSB for Ateneo.  Azian  Yahya and Roslan Abdul Hakim spoke for Universiti Utara Malaysia

Among those faculty members we saw were:  (aside from Dr. Guina) were Dr. George Fong, Dr. Tony Rosales, Professor Ivy Formoso, Dr. Joy Menguito, Prof Lulu Moguel, Prof Larry Grey.  Of course, I was there too. 

                                         Group pictures of the guests and participants

                                     Another picture of Dr. Juico

                                    Drs Lim and Juico, Prof Ivy Formoso at the right

                               Dean Ricardo Lim of AIM - anchoring on reality, no right or wrong

                                  Dr Carol Guina on research agenda at AGSB

                                Presentation on Higher Education at Universiti Utara Malaysia

                                    Lunch at the cafeteria (note the time, a late lunch)

                                     AGSB IT staff manning the AV room