Showing posts with label Entpreneurship. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Entpreneurship. Show all posts

Monday, January 13, 2014

Factors Paper by Terence S. Uygongco

Engr. Terence S. Uygongco
Factors Paper
Entrepreneur - AGSB ILOILO

As i am pondering on how to do my factors paper, i chance upon the Business Development Bank of Canada (BDC) self assessment test (as recommended by the syllabus of Prof Saguinsin).  At the onset i already have an inkling of how my entrepreneur potential would be but just the same, i read the instruction and it clearly says that i cannot answer 2 or 3 for the assessment to be effective.   So i answered it as truthfully as i could…

The Assessment Results:

Motivations - i like power or control in everything i do.  I want everything to be as what i projected it to be thus my motivation factor is more on the power.  My self-sufficiency or freedom is quite low and it would seem that i cannot on my own without some interaction.

Aptitudes - my self confidence as an entrepreneur is quite low while my determination is high, it is my lack of confidence and imagination that bring down my aptitude skills.

Attitudes - My perception to act upon one's destiny is high and it means that i could take it upon myself if i want something to succeed or not.
The result were not surprising:

I am a very pessimistic person and somehow i think you need to be the very opposite of my attitude to be a successful entrepreneur.  I always think of doomsday scenario and what if failures thus i always end up not being able to snowball the ideas.  

Now i need to read this article…