Showing posts with label Jaypee Eugenio. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jaypee Eugenio. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Factors Paper (Jaypee Eugenio)


Jaypee Eugenio
Student, AGSB

Sent from my iPhone5

On Dec 11, 2012, at 11:15 AM, John Paul Eugenio <> wrote:

> Hi Sir,
> Below is my factors paper. :)
> S-110056MBA
> · Factors that I possess / do not possess
> to be a successful Entrepreneur.
> What I have confirmed in my
> Leadership class about my personality is that I am an Achiever which I believe
> is a good trait of an entrepreneur. I am always up for a challenge and is
> willing to do everything to achieve my goals.Being
> an achiever, who is also adaptable and success oriented, I find myself
> sensitive and at some point reserved. Moreover, I further describe myself as
> self-assured.
> I am highly aware of other people
> especially in situations or in groups and especially how my actions and
> attitude affects those people around me and with my cheerful disposition; I
> always want them to be happy. I don't like as much as possible any dull
> moments. I want to find more personal connection with people I am interacting
> with. I want to learn from them as much as I want to share with them my
> knowledge. People around me oftentimes tell me that I am very easy to get along
> with, open minded, and engaging.
> As far as I remember, way back when I was
> a kid, I always wanted to be on top of the class, I wanted to be recognized all
> the time, I wanted to achieve things that not everyone can, I wanted the
> attention of my family specially my parents and I will do everything just to be
> noticed. Other than trying my best to excel in class, I always made it a point
> to join extracurricular activities that will help me stand out from the rest
> and it started my passion in dancing and acting which I believed is another
> link to my being highly creative (a good factor of an entrepreneur as well). I
> even dreamt of joining the cast of "Ang TV" way back in 1990s. However, my
> parents did not allow me to audition which is why I only joined several acting
> workshops to develop my talents which resulted in three major theatre shows in
> school in 1998 which have also given me the best actor award. My being creative
> was not just shown on stage but also in my school projects because I made it a
> point that I will not just submit a simple work of art (if I may say J) but I have to put something different on
> it. Something that will make it look good or even better than most of my
> classmates and something that is distinctly Jaypee. This showed another
> characteristic of me which is image conscious (another good factor of an
> entrepreneur).
> Most of my friends asked me if I have an
> attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) because I am so energetic that
> I always tend to be everywhere doing different things in school or even at
> home. Joining the volleyball varsity team and the corps of cadet officers are
> my targets in high school. The image of a varsity player and at the same time a
> cadet officer in CAT fascinates me so much because it will give me the
> opportunity to give back the glory to my alma mater and also to achieve another
> fete for myself (not to mention the power over your subordinates in CAT). This
> also assured me of a position recognizable not just inside our school but also
> outside as we joined several interschool tournaments and CAT competitions.
> Though we were not lucky in sports, our awards in different CAT competitions
> have covered it all. Winning a number of gold and silver medals assured me of
> the Cadet Officer Award in 2002. To cap it all off and modesty aside, I have
> provided them another image of a class valedictorian. The new image of an
> honour student who did not only excel in academics but who also excelled in
> arts, sports, and other extracurricular activities.
> I always wanted to be different and unique
> (good factor of an entrepreneur) in the eyes of other people which show that I am
> self-assured. I don't hesitate in taking the challenge of reinventing myself,
> meeting other people and gaining friends though at times I am reserved because
> I am afraid of rejection. However, being self-aware makes me gain more friends
> because I don't hide my feelings. As I often say, what you see is what you get.
> Having a good image struck me most when I
> was in college. Building my school career as a future JPIA officer taught me a
> lot of things and a lot of image to show for that matter. I have to be a role
> model to my fellow students especially to those in lower years. I have to set a
> good example all the time which means I have to maintain my grades and
> accomplish all the tasks assigned with my position. It's not easy to do especially
> when you're still young but I learned to listen and be guided by my professors
> who have more to share. Luckily, I must say I have made an image that is far
> more than my being an Internal Vice President of JPIA – San Beda 2006, I had
> been their "Kuya". Most of them called me "kuya" instead of Mr. VP, maybe
> because I have shown them that I am approachable and just like them, a student,
> which differs only with the amount of responsibility at hand. Accomplishing all
> these things had given me the recognition as one of the Top Ten Students of San
> Beda College 06', another one for the achiever in me.
> Who I am today at work and in AGSB is the
> accumulation of all my experiences for the past 25 years. I must say I'm an
> achiever, adaptable, success oriented, attractive, charming (I will claim this
> as well), ambitious, energetic, status-conscious and highly driven for
> advancement with a hint of sensitivity, self-awareness, emotionally honest,
> highly creative, moody, and self conscious.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Special Report on Creativity by Jaypee Eugenio

Good Day Sir,
Above is the embed code for my Special Report on Creativity.
Jaypee Eugenio
Student, AGSB