Showing posts with label capitalization. Show all posts
Showing posts with label capitalization. Show all posts

Saturday, May 13, 2023

It hurts when politicians slam bank managers for the bank failures

Every generation needs a revolution - an entrepreneurial revolution

Some politicians (senators) probably slam the bank execs for the failure closure of the banks

But the outbursts which probably get more  votes are unfair.  No super manager can beat the situation
or would have figured out way of squeeze between low yield treasures, (as assets) and high cost 
deposits due to Fed action to increase interest rates.   Time is not on the  side of the bankers.
That is why the regulators cant do a thing.   

Take note that PDIC is undercapitalized to handle further stresses of the banking system.   JP Morgan is the only entity that can even probably save the FED.  

Monday, November 15, 2021

With due respect to our top govt officials, a trading company does not require huge capital

Every generation needs a revolution - an entrepreneurial revolution

Many of our distinguished legislators are questioning why a trading company has the barest capital to transact billions with the govt.   Its a trading company that is why and relies on credit and trust of its suppliers.   It is contingent upon shipping companies, factories and airlines to have huge equity   

But not for a trading company.   We ran a supermarket before  and we were running at 90% debt to equity  The suppliers whose sales manager were the old school network trusted us with their merchandise on credit

A hardware company with chain of stores I learned had most of their goods on consignment   

There seems to be nothing wrong with the little trading company capitalized only a small fraction of the total deal   Especially if they are friends of the suppliers,