Showing posts with label credit. Show all posts
Showing posts with label credit. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Using OPM to expand business

Every generation needs a revolution - an entrepreneurial revolution

Most businesses expand, or operate business doing the OPM -  others people money, Not their own money.  They call this leveraging  What are the methods/or application of this method?:

      1.  Bank loans;
      2.  IPO -  partial sale of equity
      3.  Suppliers credit
      4.  Down payment
      5.  Accelerated payment from customers (offering discounts for cash payment)

So instead of making it appear that the company needs the money, the perception is changed by saying:
      1.  Bond sale
      2   IPO
 What they mean really is they are taking your money, in exchange for higher interest or dividends to finance their growth.

Expanding the business and obtaining finance thereto is not a black art or rocket science

It really needs boldness and courage to go on leverage.  And have uncanny sense of the future that your product or service will sell, and that you can sustain the cash flow to repay the loan, pay the interest, or in the case of equity, to pay back dividends and or the principal (in case this is a private placement -  not listed at the bourse)

Thus a smart businessman does not have to fork out all his savings to finance his business expansion.  He leverages!   He uses other people's money.   Capital here means CAPITO.  Using ones head to obtain more funds for the business.

Thus its a poor excuse that one can not start business because one lacks capital.  There are many ways by which start up can take off.   It takes imagination, hard work and persistence

Monday, November 15, 2021

With due respect to our top govt officials, a trading company does not require huge capital

Every generation needs a revolution - an entrepreneurial revolution

Many of our distinguished legislators are questioning why a trading company has the barest capital to transact billions with the govt.   Its a trading company that is why and relies on credit and trust of its suppliers.   It is contingent upon shipping companies, factories and airlines to have huge equity   

But not for a trading company.   We ran a supermarket before  and we were running at 90% debt to equity  The suppliers whose sales manager were the old school network trusted us with their merchandise on credit

A hardware company with chain of stores I learned had most of their goods on consignment   

There seems to be nothing wrong with the little trading company capitalized only a small fraction of the total deal   Especially if they are friends of the suppliers,

Sunday, February 23, 2014

What is plagiarism? Did a group of students commit plagiarism?

Rizal Philippines  | February 23, 2014

#plagiarism, #profjorgeentrep, #originality, #attribution, #credits, #wikepedia

From Writing Center of University of North Carolina hand out

I learned of a very difficult predicament students in one in a distant location. Their integrity as individuals:  students, businessman are under fire on account of an alleged  serious academic malfeasance.  It is a very serious allegation/offense, and may mean end of their academic career as students They were (at least 4 of them) were alleged to have committed plagiarism) and the issue has reached the higher ups of the school.  The professsor has informed the dean of the alleged mischief.

Just what is plagiarism?

According the UNC hand out, "it is “the deliberate or reckless representation of another’s words, thoughts, or ideas as one’s own without attribution in connection with submission of academic work, whether graded or otherwise.”  Thus attribution is an important action on the part of the student, or a part of the paper that removes plagiarism from a quoted text, sentence or paragraph.  I saw in the students' paper that proper attribution:  footnotes, bibliography were made.