Showing posts with label cheapcures. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cheapcures. Show all posts

Sunday, April 6, 2014

The idea of having a $10 cheap hemodialysis may become a reality sooner than later

I have posted on another favorite blog.  CheapCures the model of Dr. David Shetty's Narayana Hosptial in India where they have a $10.00 hemodialyis (about P500.00) compared to about P2,500 or  $50.00 Why and how can they do it.  I have talked to Dr Tuazon trying to convince him to maybe start studying and implementing this.

I have discussed this on various occasions with other Professors at Strama defense.  A fellow lady professor is undergoing hemodialysis and it costs her more than $1,200 per month.  It is difficult to be in that situation even if you have money;  as you get weaker, your income generating activity becomes less, and you are inclined to sell your assets or pass the hemodialysis and just die.  The ballooning health care costs catering to the rich and famous are getting heights astronomical.  If you are poor, you cant see a doctor, and just die.  Pitiful.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Why are having so much attention on food? -food as medicine

Why was cooking chosen as the vehicle for creativity and design in the class?

Well cooking is the best way to express our creativity, and is the best practice for learning to do. All of us eat at least 2x a day;  for most Filipinos, it is 6x a day (+merienda am and merienda pm)

The food industry, at least in the PHL is such a huge industry.  It is several trillions big.

There are several important points on food:

l.  There is growing important movement that food is the medicine and medicine is food from Hippocrates;

2.  Some diseases are caused by food:  diabetes is caused by too much sugar or food rich in glucose (high glycemic index), or migraine by high gluten diet (food with MSG or wheat products) or soda (softdrink).  In USA, obesity is traced to too much consumption of soda.

3.  Cancer is caused by acrylimide in burnt meat, bread and French fries.

4.  Food like Noni, graviola, turmeric (yellow ginger), mangosteen, garlic, cruciferous vegetables (cabbage, brocolli, cauliflower, celery) eggplants, okra, onions have healing properties vs. cancer.  Luteolin in  

5.  Water tainted with flouride retards development of children;

6.  Food containers with phthlates contain toxic chemicals and/or xenoestrogens that trigger cancer (from hormonal imbalance)Such are PET bottles for water and other "health drinks"

7.  Fish that are tainted with mercury are toxic to the body; mercury is a heavy metal that is a poison and eventually lead to death;

8.  GMO food upsets the intestinal flora and upsets the neurological makeup of the individual (GAPS) theory

9.  Garlic and turmeric are good vs high blood pressure;

10.  BJ (buko juice) contains more potassium than banana and the best sports drink;

11.  Sugar substitutes  and sweeteners cause neurological disorder, obesity, even arthritis;

12.  Berries and cherries can cure joint pains and arthritis

13.  VCO (Virgin Coconut Oil)  It has been proven in US (at least at Dr. Mercola site) that coconut oil is as healthy as olive oil. can cure Alzheimers

14.  Brown rice can lower lipid level;   garlic also lower lipid level and hence is good for cardio vascular diseases.

15.  Water melon can prevent BPH condition in prostate, and makes for good viagra substitute

16.  Flouride (which is a component of rat poison) in toothpaste and water can cause neurological retardation in children.

17.  Sugar substitutes in softdrinks and other sweet stuff are dangerous to health:   aspartame and sucrolase (splenda)

18.  There are only two known cure of diabetes:   EXERCISE AND DIET

19.  We must eat raw food:  vegies and fruits so that our enzyme level do not go down.  Eating too much meat tires the pancreas which lowers enzyme production later on life;  when enzyme level go down, according to Dr. William Kelly, cancer stem cells that lie dormant in our body become uncontrolled and cancer starts.

20.  Eating raw liver and pancreas daily can boost enzyme level to control cancer.  The enzyme therapy was replaced in 1900 by radiation because Mme Curie who discovered x ray said that radiation therapy is more convenient.  However cure rate from radiation is placed at 6%;  the radiation therapy harms healthy patient and weakens the patient;   this is not a desired condition for cancer patient.  He must be made strong to counter ravages from cancer cells.

So there you are:  twenty (20) useful tips on food

Cancer cure rate from the data of Dr. Kelly and as verified by Dr. Gonzalez who was sent by Sloan Kettering to discredit Dr. Kelly was at 97 to l00%.  Proves that enzyme therapy from raw liver and pancreas work.

Please read additional information:    Cheapcures