Showing posts with label Dr. Edu Tuazon. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dr. Edu Tuazon. Show all posts

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Business Plan consultation with AGSB Clark Students

Angono Rizal | Philippines  | May 11, 2014

Mr. Jopet Pineda, the AGSB Clark Secretary planned a Business Plan consultation and it was held yesterday at Stackers at Annex of SM North.

However only 2 came:   Bong Canlas and Dr Tuazon.

I discussed with the two the usual problems with BP of the past class:
concept, the business model, objectives, (madalas kulang) the product (complete description of benefits - how they meet the customer wants and needs, competitive analysis, the beta testing if any) , the sales estimate -  you must really come out with an estimate based on macro and micro data, EDS (enteprise delivery system the whole works:  inputs, throughput, outputs, matching outcome the whole works just like the PDQ).  I mentioned this many times in this site.

Friday, April 18, 2014

Special Report by Dr. Edu Tuazon AGSB Clark Entrep - Idea Spotting

Hi Sir,

Respectfully forwarding you the link from slide share my book review "Idea Spotting" by Sam Harrison.

Thank you.

Doc Edu

Hi Dr Edu:

This should be a guide for students who are finding difficulty in finding new ideas.  For businessman, it will help them spot opportunity

Sunday, April 6, 2014

The idea of having a $10 cheap hemodialysis may become a reality sooner than later

I have posted on another favorite blog.  CheapCures the model of Dr. David Shetty's Narayana Hosptial in India where they have a $10.00 hemodialyis (about P500.00) compared to about P2,500 or  $50.00 Why and how can they do it.  I have talked to Dr Tuazon trying to convince him to maybe start studying and implementing this.

I have discussed this on various occasions with other Professors at Strama defense.  A fellow lady professor is undergoing hemodialysis and it costs her more than $1,200 per month.  It is difficult to be in that situation even if you have money;  as you get weaker, your income generating activity becomes less, and you are inclined to sell your assets or pass the hemodialysis and just die.  The ballooning health care costs catering to the rich and famous are getting heights astronomical.  If you are poor, you cant see a doctor, and just die.  Pitiful.

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Dr Edu Tuazon - serial entrepreneur; artist, food expert, and doctor

Dr Edu Tuazon's factors paper

I can see in Dr. Tuazon a Rennaisance man - a man of many talents:   Doctor, artist, gardener, culinary expert, connoiseur, businessman, entrepreneur, organic farmer.

Just look at his interests:

1.  Organic farming;

2.  Food (cassava cakes - Ralos cassava) 30 branches and still expanding

Factors paper by Dr. Eduardo Tuazon

Sir Jorge,
    Good afternoon.
    Here is the copy of the edited story of my entrepreneur life.
    Thank you.
Edu Tuazon
Entrepreneur test and Factoring
I was not surprised with the high results of the four traits namely: achievement striving, industriousness, taking control and creativity because I am really like that in life but with the average score in the passion trait, I made a self reflection.