Showing posts with label North. Show all posts
Showing posts with label North. Show all posts

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Business Plan consultation with AGSB Clark Students

Angono Rizal | Philippines  | May 11, 2014

Mr. Jopet Pineda, the AGSB Clark Secretary planned a Business Plan consultation and it was held yesterday at Stackers at Annex of SM North.

However only 2 came:   Bong Canlas and Dr Tuazon.

I discussed with the two the usual problems with BP of the past class:
concept, the business model, objectives, (madalas kulang) the product (complete description of benefits - how they meet the customer wants and needs, competitive analysis, the beta testing if any) , the sales estimate -  you must really come out with an estimate based on macro and micro data, EDS (enteprise delivery system the whole works:  inputs, throughput, outputs, matching outcome the whole works just like the PDQ).  I mentioned this many times in this site.