Showing posts with label clark. Show all posts
Showing posts with label clark. Show all posts

Sunday, February 23, 2014

MBA Regis Clark Entrep Class last February 21, 2014

Rizal, Philippines   |  Februaary 23, 2014

                          Prof Jorge awards a gift t the winning debaters/group - entrepreneurs are made

I was so glad to have traveled/commuted to be with a group of very enthusiastic and very bright students from AGSB Clark last Friday.

We continued discussion on who they are and I annotated their discussion of life history with the connection of their life with entrepreneurship. A new class member came:  Christine Tubig whom I learned is an executive officer of a family owned real estate business in Floridablanca.  Their PTM are OFW and their packages are in the P1.2 to 2 million price range.   I hope the OFW boom continues.

Our main activity was the group creative activity - ie presentation of crimes.  Committing  crime calls for high level of creative thinking, problem solving, anticipation of problems, exit strategy (in case you get caught) or even how to distribute, fence, launder the loot.  Legitimate business can  not afford not to benchmark copy the criminals hatch a crime.  And also, people, I am amazed, really get out of the box when they plan a crime, and could be dangerous.  The crimes presented were:   Philhealth scam (on eye operation)  black mail, and betting on sports (basketball)  The betting on basketball exposed the dark side of sports which is the more lucrative part:   betting.   Football, and other sports have joined the dark side.

Thus the joke on Disney left.. (If you did not get it, you must have a slow IQ or that the joke is reserved for geniuses)

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Our Valentine date yesterday was at Entrep Class at MBA Regis at Ateneo Clark

Angono Rizal  Philippines  February 15 2014

                                         Have a heart sign

I and several other students (14 in all) had rather unusual Valentines Day celebration yesterday.  We had our first session for the Entrep Class at Ateneo MBA in Clark.

We had the following activities:

1.  Creative ideas, ideation -  New ID or other gadget design.

2.  Self Introduction

3.  Walk through the syllabus

4.  Debate:  "Entrepreneurs are Born, Made or product of Opportunities"

Monday, February 10, 2014

Course Syllabus V.3 2014 Clark Regis




(Entrepreneurship Course at Clark AGSB)

Clark Campus


(Innovating and Competing in the 21st Century)



            Traditionally, entrepreneurship is understood to be just putting up new business and that the term does not apply to corporate setting. The course addresses the problem that a start up entrepreneur faces – to have a me-too, just like the other hundred businesses in the same market, competing for a shrinking market. At the same time, the bosses of big business, awash with cash and basking in their past success and glory think nothing could go wrong, become lax and suddenly find their sales and cash flow shrinking.

            The course emphasizes that a business must be new, and if it is old, it must rejuvenate its products, process, markets and the way it does its business. Customer demands, needs change, industries change and businesses and its leaders must rapidly adapt to this rapidly changing business landscape. To stand still is to invite death of the business.

            Some of the areas that the course addresses:

  1. The business concept of the  must be compelling enchanting, magical, mesmerizing, seductive . It must be owned passionately by the owner. It must be forceful enough to marshal the organization, stockholders and the market to believe in the business.

  1. The business model must be carefully and thoroughly scrutinized and analyzed. Most companies (now seven out of ten) innovate their business models to tap the bottom of the pyramid and middle market especially in the emerging market. The business models need to be changed. You cannot run 200 kmh on a business model designed for 80 kmh. Yet, some companies insist on competing in new markets with aged and tired business models.

  1.  Innovation, creativity, invention play important role in entrepreneurship. “Ideas are fine but execution is a bitch.” It is also true that old businesses and its leaders run out of fresh and original ideas. Idea fruition is not taught elsewhere.

  1. The product must have main value proposition that must likewise be compelling (like the vision) to its captive market, providing real value to customers; and is either affordable or unique or both. You cannot come out with a tired and expensive product. It must be within the reach of its primary target market and must be unique.
  2. The purpose of strategy, (choice of means to achieve objectives) is to please the customers / (PTM) and defeat competitors.

  1. To be differentiated and for a business to succeed, objectives must be starting point of all planning. “Begin with end in mind”. This is a weak point for many businessmen who think that putting up a plant and/or other inputs are objective. Sales results, financial results are.

  1. Personal mastery / HR is an important aspect of many businesses differentiation. Many businesses now did not exist 5 years ago. The new entrepreneurs of 21st century created them.
  2. Now is the age of  Lean Start ups.    You do not have to make a full blown BP for lean start up.  What you need is MVP (minimum viable product) and rapid prototyping)

Business must look not only change its products for differentiation but on new satisfactions of customers and new business models: key resources, key process; and its leadership. The course will touch these new subjects.


1.      To give students a new understanding of entrepreneurship.
2.      To outlast crisis in business world via entrepreneurship.
3.      To change mindset / paradigm / practices / professionalism of student even in medical world – to be “entrepreneurial”.
4.      To encourage MBA students to consider being a boss – business owner.
5.      To prepare students to do an extensive interactive paper research and analysis / synthesis, in anticipation of Strama.


I. Three Masteries:
     1. Self
     2.  Enterprise
     3.  Opportunity
          1.  Learning to think
           2.  Learning to do
           3.  Learning to feel
           4.  Learning to intuit
           5.  Learning to lead
           6.  Learning to communicate
           7.  Learning to be
    6.  Right attitudes
    7.  Spiritual:
            1.  Business and the Bible
            2.  Confucianism
    8.  Strategy:
            1.  Lidell Hart and indirect approach
            2.   Sun Tzu
  9.  Entrepreneurs to emulate:
            1.  Foreign
·         Bill Gates
·         Steve Jobs
·         Matshusita
·         Tomas Edison
·         Andrew Carnegie
·         Rockefeller
·         Morgan, etc.
·         Young billionares:   Mark Zuckerberg, founder of twitter, 
     2.  Local:  old tycoons, new tycoons

II.  Mastery of the enterprise
     1.  Basic definition:    Timmons, Disney, Schumpeter, Gilder
     2.  Types:
            1. Business
            2. Social
            3. Techno
            4. Government
     3.  Lean start-ups by Eric Reis
            1.  Rapid prototyping
            2.  MVP
            3.  3D printer
            4.  Fab Labs
            5.  Stanford D school
     4.  Entrepreneuralism
     5.  Why are entrepreneurs important to society and Economy

III.  Mastery of the opportunity
     1.  Opportunity scanning,  screening and seizing, 
          See Prof Jorge Slideshare on Spotting Opportunities
     2.  Serendipity  -  Princess of Serendip
     3.  External:
            1.   Macro Analysis, PESTEL, PESTE, EPISTE
            2.   Micro Market analysis:  
·         Customer
·         Competition
·         Location
            3.  Making the sales estimate

      4.  Value:
            1. Creation  -  Product Design and Concept
                        See ProfJorge SlideShare Presentations
               1.  Innovation
              2.  Product design

           2.  Delivery – manufacturing, logistics, delivery, selling
           3.  Capture – collection, financial management of the sales proceed
  5.  Creativity, imitation, innovation, invention, entrepreneurship; What is the difference?
  6.  Brainstorming, lateral thinking, mind mapping
  7.  Seizing:  writing the feasibility study, business plan
      (See Prof Jorge Slideshare on Creating Winning Business Plan)

Parts of  the business plan:  (25 pts of the total grade)
   1.  Business Concept and Business Model  (10 pts)
N.B. Business Concept must be unique, differentiated, mesmerizing, enchanting, magical.
            Include a 3 word tag to describe your business

Use the Alex Osterwalder BM canvass  (See Prof Jorge Slideshare on Business Model Innovation)

   2.  Business Objectives (10 pts)
Vision – A picture of what the business will be within a timeline in a geographical location
Mission – How the business conducts its transactions, how it deals with the customers an other stakeholders. Its values and cultures.
                        1.  Sales targets
                        2.  Financial:
·         Net Income
·         Cash Flow
·         Balance sheet
·         Ratios
            3.  Customer impact
                        4. Job generation
   3.  Summary of offerings (depending on whom you offer the BP to)
1. If I borrow x, the results will be y, you will get z, and the loan can be paid in 18
            2.  If you invest, you get:   x and y employment (benefits) and ROI of ____
     (answer what is it for the listener/recipient of the BP)
3.  For VC, if you invest now, this concept will be a 7 bagger (meaning 700%
     ROI, of course you have to prove this in the BP)

    4.  Executive Summary:
            Summary of the entire BP in 2 pages or less.  Could be the elevator pitch.
    5.  Organization:

1.  Equity and financial stakeholderrs
            2. Technology partners/ providers
            3. Senior Officers./Directors.  This is important because a good line up creates
    credibility and strength to the new business

     6.  Product and customers:  (this is the start of the proving the offering)  10 pts (Some students fail to make detailed presentation of the  product.  You should even mention COGS and BOM, and how the product is produced albeit in a disguised way/

1.  Psychographics and demographics (taken up at micromarket analysis)
        1.  Wants
        2.  Needs
        3.  Current offerings and how they piss off the customers;  What can be improved? 
  Why is your product going to be a winner in this situation
2.  Your product:
       1.  What makes it so unqiue vis a vis:
             1. customer wants and needs
             2.  vs competitors
            (Compare on various items:  price, features, benefits, performance)
  What is going to be your positioning in the market place.

3.  Market testing/pilots:
          1.  Alpha testing (in your lab, test market)
          2.  Beta testing (with the current customers)
          Are you doing well on quality, durability, maintenance, trouble free operations

7.  Market estimate:  estimate your future sales based on the projected /potential
     demand coming from  (20 pts)

1.    Macro Market -  PESTEL  -  huge forces in the economy, society, culture that will
favor the sale of your product.  Mention only the relevant ones, and be sure you are very specific on the opportunity ie, how the company can make money out of that factor.
    2.  Micromarket:    location, customer, and competition.
Do traffic count, estimate the average purchase study the competion for a week, and do an intelligent guess. This will be the basis of your financial
(Remember group creative activity on micromarket analysis)

What makes your think that your assumptions/estimates are valid/correct?

8.  Enterprise Delivery System (from Mico case)/ Strategy 20 pts and the PDQ  
        1.  Strategy
        2.  Projects and Programs
        3.  Activities
        4.  Tasks 
        5.  Resources

What are the Key Resources and Key Activities that you will employ to attain your Business Objectives as enumerated in  # 2 of this outline?

Inputs:   (Key Resources)
4 Ms:  money, materials, machiinery, manpower

Through puts (Key Activities)
1. Projects and programs
            2. Job descriptions
            3. Command and control
            4. Reports and monitoring
            5. Salary scale benefits and incentives (catalysts)
            6.  Punishments (Code of Conduct and discipline)

Outputs:  Products or Services
Matching:   Ps of marketing
·         Price
·         Promotion
·         Placement
·         Product 
to match customer wants and needs.
Explain how the above meets the desired objectives mentioned in number 2

9.  Financials:  (20 pts.)
Based on your Market Estimate and your projected start-up cost or projected cap ex/projects: 
            1. Income statement
2. Cash flow statement
            3. Balance sheet for the next 3 years.
The professor will send you an excel file on how to do this
10.  Compliance with regulations
Please be detailed about this.
11.  Exit strategy.



Attendance & Recitation

1 hour late = 1 absence
1 absence = 0.75%


Factors Paper

What factors I do / don’t posses that make / do not make me a Business Entrep (not more than 3 pages). You can do a self assessment available from the internet. Do a thorough self analysis.


Business Plan

Paper on planned enterprise, complete with opportunity screening, seizing, marketing plan, operational plan, financials, timelines, exit plan.
(not less than 40 pages, due on the 4th week after the semester ends)
Special Report
10 minutes power point on assigned topic


NU 6

Journal of what new opportunities the student saw at work or personal life, cases or readings. The focus is opportunities and innovation.


Case Analysis

Assigned Cases. Use the SPADA outline (Situation, Problem, Alternatives, Decision, Action).
This is mostly orals.  See notes on Case Analysis.
SUBTOTAL (Individual)



Entrep / Designer / Artist /Visit / Talk

Entrepreneur Talk in the classroom on his/her life’s up and downs, and advice to the class. (not more than 30 mins, and 30 mins. For Q & A).
Decribe how he started the business. This may also be a plant visit. Did he undergo the three masteries?  Did they do the opportunity seeking, screening and seizing?
Automatic grade of 4.0 for the group for this component.
Micromarket Analysis
Please See notes on Assignments.
PDQ of microenterprise
Please See notes on Assignments.


New Illegal Activity

Plan how to execute a new crime. It must not have been done before. Act it out if you must.
Creative Activity I
New Product Design

Innovation 2
Product Prototyping

Innovation on Business Process

Analysis of business concept models
Positioning of existing business



TOTAL                 :                                 100%

Nota Bene: It is the responsibility of the student to read and understand the assignments, the weights and the criteria of the grade.  The professor will not entertain queries on text and e-mail regarding the assignments, nor shall the alibi that the class coordinator did not inform them of the assignment.


1.      13 Steps to Personal Power by Cerney
2.      17 indisputable Laws of Teamwork by John Maxwell
3.      Any book about negotiation
4.      Attitude is Everything by Jeff Keller
5.      Breakthrough Thinking by Hibino
6.      Control Your Destiny Or Someone Else Will by Tichy  (re: Jack Welch)
7.      Direct From Dell by Michael Dell
8.      Effective Small Business Management – an Entrepreneurial Approach. Norman M.Scarborough/Thomas Zimmerman. 6th ed. 1996 Prentice Hall.
9.      Execution by Larry Bossidy
10. Failing Forward by John Maxwell
11. Go Negosyo by Jose Conception III
12. Good to Great by Jim Collins
13. Heroic Leadership Chris Lowney
14. High Output Management by Andrew Grove
15. How to Wins Friends And Influence People By Dale Carnegie
16. Intellectual Capital by Anne Brooking
17. Lateral thinking by Edward de Bono
18. Mind Mapping by Tony Buzan
19. Pirate of the Silicon Valley  Or Any book on Bill Gates
20. Power and Influence – the Rules Have Changed by Robert Dilanschrieder
21. Profit with Honor by Daniel Yankelovich
22. Psycho – Cybernetics by Maxwell Maltz
23. Say Yes to your Potential by Skip Ross
24. Secrets of Entrepreneurial Success by John Gokongwei
25. Seize the day by Danny Cox and John Coover
26. Super Power Memory by Harry Lorrayne/ Tony Buzan
27. Techniques for Innovation by Anthony Gordy
28. The Millionaire Next Door
29. The Mind of The Strategist – by Kenichi Ohmae
30. The Portable MBA in Entrepreneurship by William Bygrave, latest edition. New York: John Wiley and Sons.
31. The Road Less Traveled by Scott Peck
32. The World is Flat
33. Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill
34. Tough Times never Last Only Tough People Do by Robert Schuller
35. War – 33 Strategies
36. What They Don’t Teach at HBS
37. Who Moved My Cheese
38. Why Do Buyers Buy? by Paco Underhill
39. Winner’s Edger by Dennis Waitley
40. Business Model Innovation  by Alex Osterwalker
41. Blue Ocean by Kim
42. Purple Cow by Seith Godin
43. Free by Chris Anderson
44. Innovators Dilemna by Clayton Christiansen
45. Slide share@web




Nota Bene: Please acquire the textbook by Dr. Morato, the Case Book and the Syllabus.

Latest syllabus is also posted at blogs under page: syllabus




            Even a mundane business like “Taho”/BBQ conformes to matching of product (output) to customer wants and needs. Otherwise you can’t have a saleable product, an enterprise observes certain measures / procedures to ensure that product satisfies customer. “Taho” must be pure otherwise it will not congeal. After a certain time, it is no longer “Taho”.

            DETERMINE the input / throughput (process) so that a product satisfies customer.


  1. Turo-turo
  2. Banana Q
  3. Fish Ball
  4. Hot Pandesal
  5. Lugawan
  6. Barbeque
  7. Adidas
  8. Jollijeep
  9. BarbeQ
  10. Others – Sago / Gulaman / Hotdog

2. GROUP CREATIVE ACTIVITY 1 – New Product Design / Concept (5%)

            Using word algorithm, lateral thinking, or other Right Brain Thinking method, the group will look at their own/third party product and design on improvement. The new design must be compelling to the PTM, have solid benefits and affordable. The design / report must contain:

  1. Drawing, concept
  2. Bill of materials / CGS (affordability)
  3. How to produce the product
  4. Product objective:
1.      How does product meet customer wants and needs?
2.      How does it defeat competition?
3.      How it is unique?

Analysis of product versus competition (2 or 3) on certain key attributes. What will be the new positioning?


            From Group Creative Activity 1, the group goes to test of doable execution. The group must be able to come up a working model of new product that met PTMs need and wants; that resulted from Creative Activity.


            Look at the current business concept / model of a target enterprise. Examine how you can innovate on any or all of components of business model, so that the enterprise can be competitive:

            The CVP (Customer Value Proposition)                          Key Process
            The Revenue Model                                                                        Key Resources


          This is group observation work when students see first hand the three factors of MICRO MARKET analysis at work: CUSTOMER, LOCATION, and COMPETITION.

            Go to a mall and observe:

  1. One fast food vs. another (Wendys vs. Jollibee vs. McDo.). Other variants…
a.      Chinese restaurant
b.      Steakhouse restaurant
c.      Coffee shop
d.      Pizza
e.      Turo-turo vs. another point-point
f.        Fine dining

  1. Describe / observe the following:

    • CUSTOMERS – people – age, sex, occupation
              - behavior – what do they order? How long do they stay?
              - occasion – what’s the occasion of visit to the enterprise?
              - and other relevant observable behavior
o                   LOCATION – describe location vs. traffic flow, pedestrians, prevalent  activity   and area – commercial, industrial, etc?
   - how does location affect customer profile?

    • ESTABLISHMENT – menu – Product / Price
          - level of service – Caring? Attentive? Lousy?
          - speed of service – (delivery) Slow? Fast?
          - Facilities

            An internet research does not qualify for this assignment and gets 0. This paper is result of pure unadulterated observation.

6. GROUP CREATIVE ACTIVITY 4 - New Process / New Profit (5)

            Examine a target business / enterprise. Look at present enterprise, process and plan / draw new process that will result in change in following metrics objectives:

1.      New customer satisfaction delight
2.      Lower costs – SP – Higher Profit
3.      Better product quality (less rejects/breakdown)
4.      Faster turn-around time, queuing

Or examine product lines / value chains of the company determine where costs, increase in GP, velocity, turn-over, better value à GP can be achieved!


            Plan a new crime that has not been done before. It must be outlandish and totally new. The victims will not know what hit them and police can’t detect catch who did it.


1. NU 6 (10%) New 6

            New 6 is a practice set for creativity / innovation while difficult in the beginning 6 exercise sharpens the mind to create and innovate. Creativity is thinking of new idea / things, innovation is doing new thing. “Deep practice develops talent” – Dan Coyle.

LIST OF MUST NU6 TOPICS to address per session. The students can submit the NU 6 in any order via blog send email: or he may choose any topic to his liking. The NU idea cannot just remain as new idea especially if it just lifted from the net or from a book. The student must be able to demonstrate his ability to apply it in real life situation or practice creative imitation.

New attitude / paradigm
New spending habits / routine
Professionalism – new work, methods, practices
New processes at work , study
New products / product improvements
New business ideas
Serendipity walk – take a walk along a busy street near you. List down as many business opportunities you can think of. Just list down.
What pisses you off at the mall? What do you suggest?
What pisses you off at the neighborhood? What do you suggest?
What pisses you off in your office/ What do you think must be done?
What pisses you off at AGSB? What must be done?


            Special Reports (5%) are done in the class by students. The topics for SR are listed below. The student must be able to summarize the key points in the topic, explain the same in his own words and provide take home knowledge to his classmates. The reported must be able to relate the topic reported to entrepreneurship.

1.   Business and the Bible
2. Confucianism
3. Sun Tzu
4. Superpower Memory
5. Lateral Thinking
6. Fan Li
7. Lateral Thinking
8. The Princes of Serendip
9. Strategy by Lidel Hart
10. The World is Flat
11. The E Myth by Michael Gerber
12. Social Entrepreneurship / Business
13. Henry Sy
Enterprise / Self
14. John Gokongwei
Enterprise / Self
15. Bill Gates
Enterprise / Self
16. Go Negosyo
17. Aravind Hospital in India
18. Grameen Bank
19. CSR vs. CSV
20. Social Enterprise in the Philippines, Echo Store, Grace and Gift, Human Nature
21. Business Model Innovation (BMI)
22. Business Process Improvement (Process Innovation)
23. Business process Outsourcing
24. Ideo / D School From B School to D School
25. Product Design Improvement
26. Creativity
27. Blue Ocean
28. Purple Cow
29. Freemium
30. Business Model


The students shall report in class using powerpoint or video emphasizing the major points, the key learning from the readings and relating the same to entrepreneurship, innovation and creativity. There is no need for the student to submit a hard copy; however, he must upload his report at slideshare and furnish the professor with a link or embed code. The latter action shall complete the grade for the special report. The slideshare uploading trains the students on being global and being competitive.



(Innovating and Competing in the 21st Century

I.                    Course Outline

A.     Introduction                                                                                            

1.      Entrepreneurship ≠ risk-taking ≠ starting a business
2.      Characteristic of entrepreneurs
3.      US, Filipino Entrepreneurs
4.      4-Brain Thinking by Hermann

B.     Self Mastery                                                                                           
1.      7 Masteries – What businesses look for in MBA Grads

2.      Learning to Think
a.      Categorizing
b.      Classifying
c.      Cause and Effect, Sequencing
d.      Syllogism
e.      Critical Thinking – Case Method
f.        Creative Thinking
                                                                                      i.      Lateral Thinking
                                                                                    ii.      Thinking out of the Box

3.      Learning to Intuit

4.      Learning to Feel
a.      EQ
b.      Adversity Quotient
c.      Empathy, Sympathy
5.      Learning to Lead

6.      Learning to Do
a.      Before doing
b.      While doing
c.      After doing
d.      Strategic Execution - KISFREK

7.      Learning to Communicate

8.      Learning to Be
a.      Wonderment
b.      Spirituality
c.      Various Philosophies
                                                                                      i.      Sun Tzu
                                                                                    ii.      Fan Li
                                                                                  iii.      Bible
d.      Will to Live

C.    Innovation

Distinguish among:
·         Creativity
·         Innovation
·         Invention
·         Entrepreneurship

1.      NU 12
a.      Opportunity Seeking – PESTEL / Micromarket
b.      Screening

2.      Types of innovation
a.      Organization
                                                                                      i.      Processes – (what pisses you off)
                                                                                    ii.      Paradigm
b.      Products / Features
                                                                                      i.      Markets
                                                                                    ii.      Satisfaction
                                                                                  iii.      Demand
c.      Differentiation
                                                                                      i.      Business Model
                                                                                    ii.      MVP / USP

1.      Compelling
2.      Captive Market
3.      Uniqueness
4.      Social Benefit / Value to Customer
5.      Affordability
                                                                                  iii.      Product – “purple cow”
d.      Profits
e.      Megatrends
                                                                                      i.      Social Entrepreneurship
                                                                                    ii.      BOP / UN 3rd Millennium Targets – Jeffrey Sachs
f.        Source of new Profits
g.      Markets – Blue Ocean

3.      Creativity
a.      Brainstorming
b.      Lateral Thinking
c.      Word Algorithms

4.      Opportunities
a.      Seeking
                                                                                      i.      Macro – PESTEL
                                                                                    ii.      Micro
1.      Customers
2.      Competition
3.      Location
                                                                                  iii.      What pisses you off
b.      Screening
                                                                                      i.      3 K
                                                                                    ii.      12 R
c.      Seizing
                                                                                      i.      Three feasibilities
                                                                                    ii.      Business Concept
                                                                                  iii.      Business Offering
                                                                                  iv.      VMOKRAPI
                                                                                    v.      SPATRES
D.    Application  - Writing a Winning Business Plan

1.      Business Concept
a.      Differentiation
b.      Business Model
c.      Know what you want
                                                                                      i.      Business Offering
                                                                                    ii.      VMOKRAPI
d.      Passing Four Tests;
                                                                                      i.      Break-Even
                                                                                    ii.      USP MVP Test
                                                                                  iii.      Cash Flow Test
                                                                                  iv.      Execution Test

2.      Business Organization
     i. Financial Backers
     ii. Technology Owners
     iii. Board of Directors and Top Management
     iv. Executives
3.      PTM
a.      Slicing the Market
b.      Customer NEEDS and WANTS
c.      Value Creation (Shared Value)

4.      Estimate of Market Size
a.      Opportunity-Seeking
                                                                                      i.      MACRO – Industry, Market
                                                                                    ii.      Micro – Location, Competition
b.      Opportunity Screening – 3 K / 12 R
c.      Economies of Scale as antidote to risk

5.      Product Offering, Testing, Justification / Positioning

a.      Design
b.      Vs. Competition
c.      FGD / UAI

6.      SPATRES / EPS – to defeat competition, to differentiate
a.      Strategy
b.      Meeting Outcomes / Results
·         Customer
·         Market
·         Financial
·         Jobs
E.     Other Related Topics

1.      Larry Farrel – Corporate Entrepreneurship

2.      Handling Adversities
a.      Fraud / Thefts
b.      Labor / Legal Problems
c.      Marketing / Competition
d.      Dying Market
e.      Taxation / BIR, Government Regulations

3.      Social Entrepreneurship
a.      BOP Marketing
b.      Social Business
Grameen Bank / other business
Aravind Bank
Human Nature
c.      Corporate Shared Value vs. CSR

4.      Techno Entrepreneurship
a.      E-myth
b.      Agri
·         Pioneer seeds
·         Work at CLSU / Phil Rice
·         Henry Lim

1.      Jose lontoc
2.      Pranav
3.      MICO
4.      Victoria Court
5.      Red Crab
6.      Entrepreneurial Families of Asia
7.      MC II


  1. Topics / Business – It is a good idea that once the student enrolls at this subject, he/she immediately “enrolls the business” he/she has in mind. Eight (8) weeks is too short to write a decent business plan!
    1. Size – preferably micro to small only
ASSETS ≤ 2 Million
EQUITY ≤ 500 T
    1. If the student will start a new business, he and his/her group must show proofs they can raise the amount.

  1. Ownership
    1. Can be owned by the student
    2. May be owned by somebody else, but w/o Business Plan yet or is eligible to be made better by a Business Plan.

  1. New / Start Up or Existing?

Either may be done. But given the time constraint, the student must select an existing business enterprise. In case it is existing, the student can’t just describe its present operation – he MUST discuss both its present operation AND proposal in each of the functions that must be made NEW / ENTREPRENEURIAL.


It is good to have MACRO items included (PESTE – Political, Economic, Social, Technological, Environmental) that are relevant to the enterprise, but the student must be heavy on the MICRO MARKET – Customer segment wants & needs, competitor, and location.

Focus on how to make this small business find its place in the sun – to succeed. Not “hopefully” but SURELY!

  1. The business plan should have a Financial portion – start up cost, Break Even Analysis, cash flow, Profit & Loss and Balance Sheet. 3 years projection is the minimum. If you miss number 5, the paper gets an F! If you submit a late paper its INC for a period of first 30 days, and an F thereafter for entire course (not just for BP).

N.B.  You cannot submit a strama paper for the requirement. Neither can you submit a departmental plan, a project or operational plan, nor a plan for medium to large business.


1.      Don’t be late. Being early is an earmark of an entrepreneur. If you are late for class by more than 30 minutes, you will treat the entire class; more than 1 hour late is considered an absence. The maximum number of absences is two (2).

2.      Late papers get an F! Nota bene!

3.      Have your cellphones on silent mode while in class. If it rings or sounds for text, you will treat the entire class.

4.      Groups of not more than 5 members each will be formed to co-manage the class: conduct opening and closing prayers, and conduct the class in an interesting way, do graded group work and case analysis.

5.      Business Plan should be in hard copy form. (8.5” x 11” / Letter Paper, 1-inch margins, Arial 11, Double-spaced) (Please don’t ask – “Can I e-mail?”).

6.      Students with perfect attendance and best group performance will get awards at the end of the term.

7.      There will be a class secretary who will be appointed at the start of the term. He/She will check attendance; remind group assignments, activities, handle simple administrative tasks of scheduling, etc. Her / his decision will be final.

8.      All ideas that are not the student’s should be acknowledged via footnotes and bibliography.

9.      Cut-and-paste papers are not to be tolerated. There are available software that can detect such. The Professor appreciates original work and may entirely disregard work that seems to be lifted from the Internet.

10. Plagiarism and copying original work, not properly annotated are not to be tolerated. The student, when caught, shall get an F.

11. The AGSB Faculty is enjoined not to give INC grade anymore. If the student can’t make up for a work and submit a major paper like a business plan 4 weeks after end of semester, the professor is enjoined to give an F instead of INC for the subject! (September 5, 2009 memo from the REGISTRAR).

12. The subject matter that must be reflected on the student’s Business Plan must be those discussed in the class. Irrelevant materials will be disregarded.
13. The required format for the Business Plan is contained in the syllabus/case book.  Please comply.

14. The grading policies contained in the syllabus will be the one followed in grading the student.  Please read them carefully.

15. Those papers, especially the NU12 that do not conform to the notes and assignments will be returned without grade and the students will be given one (1) week to re-submit the correct one.


1.      Student has 45 days after last day of class to  submit Business Plan. The Prof. will be available for consultation during the period.
2.      Relevant lectures / references are at blogs of Prof.
3.      NU idea 6 shall be blog sent to
4.      It is the responsibility of the student to acquire the syllabus and/or visit the blog site of the professor; to purchase the textbook and the required case book. No surprises please.


1.        Factors paper (Group reports, embed code of SR) shal be blog sent to
2.      All NU 6 shall be blog sent to  They are in draft form at the blog and will be published with a grade if accepted.