Showing posts with label entertaining. Show all posts
Showing posts with label entertaining. Show all posts

Sunday, June 30, 2013

From mediocre to awesome customer experience - from Inc.

From Inc. by Kevin Daum | June 18, 2013

The aim of every marketing campaign, or MVP of products is to be unique and memorable;  from Seth Godin, to be a stand out.  To be remarkable, If you cant do it then you become ignoreable.  And as if you do not exist in the marketplace.

For the customer experience, you must be awesome.

How do you create awesomeness?

Three characteristic of awesome experience:  (PMM)

1  Positive

2. Meaningful

3.  Memorable

     How to make the experience memorable?:

    l.  Fulfill a need

   2.  Entertaining

   3.  Create the unexpected