Showing posts with label entreprise. Show all posts
Showing posts with label entreprise. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Mastery of craft, technique or business is not entrepreneurship

Every generation needs a revolution - an entrepreneurial revolution

Many mistake mastering a craft or even taking MBA as road to success as an entrepreneur.
Michael Gerber made this clear that mastery of technique (being a technician) or being a business manager  do not make a business man/entrepreneur.  (Mastery of business and enterprise)

The first component is mastery of self.  It is about your courage, tenacity, determination, enthusiasm, leadership and discipline.  Without these.  you can not make it  Also about your goal.

If it is goal is merely to make money and to enjoy its perks;   cars, luxury, entertainment, pleasure, then you can not be an entrepreneur.  

It is about believing in creating something good for humanity.  It is about fulfuling your role in the Lords prayer ie the to be vessel of the peoples daily break. Or spiritually to fulfill our mandate in Genesis:  1:28.  to gain dominion over the earth.  

A big time Chinese businessman (now deceased) told me about that.  While essentially a Buddhist, we immersed himself in local religion and helped generously and a mover in the Chinese chamber