Showing posts with label innovation in Medical technology. Show all posts
Showing posts with label innovation in Medical technology. Show all posts

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Mind mapping by MBAH entrep students

We had redesign of ID and other tools of MDs, and mind mapping of various entrep ideas:  innovation, creativity, innovation in Phil health care, entrepreneurship in PHL.   There was a lot of conversation and new ideas that came out.

I commend the idea of Dr. Nazareth about a redesign of steth with a probe/analog device that is attached to an IPhone.  That will make the device worth selling but means less business for the MDs (that is a bad innovation.)

The group of Dr. Tim correctly pointed out the various elements in innovation:  economics, technology, social acceptance, and disruptive nature.  What is like is the presentation of Dr. Afable on a ihospital portal that connects to specialties, drugs, diagnostics.  That would revolutionize health care in the PHL and the inventor/owner of the portal well known and rich.


 x                             Innovation mind map


                               Dr Afable making the pitch on i hospital.


                               Creativity in disciplining children

                              Parents earnestly listening to this presentation.

                     The picture is worth a thousand words, more impt than the presenation?!

                              Innovtion in Phil health (patterned after WHO)


I dare not label the pictures.