Showing posts with label mind mapping. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mind mapping. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Our Session last night, January 6 2014 - "sisig -AW sa SARAP"

Rizal   Philippines  |  January 6 2014

I think we had fun session last night.  The class had almost full attendance last night, except for class secretary Trizza, and the winner in the debate.  She said she had migraine.

Those who came were Rocky, Carlo, Grace, Zordialine, Pam, Francis, and the new ones:   Jen Ursua, and Christhel Molina.

We did the following things:

1. New functionality for common product like ID.  They had the new idea and concept.  The product prototype will be shown next week;

2.  The brainstorming via mind mapping, made popular by Tony Buzan.  Group 1 selected imitation.  I thought they made a bad choice but eventually I found out that this a common practice and some quotes say that originality is simply enhanced by repeated copying. I also mentioned the famous quote that "great artists copy, the masters steal"  Group 2 chose "entrepreneurship"

Friday, September 20, 2013

Our Spentrep activities last September 16, 2013

Makati City, PHL  |  September 20, 2013

Some of the Spentrep students commented (like Ana) commented that we had fun last Monday.

We had the following activities:

1.  Group creative activity -  1 and 2;  preparation of menu and the prototyping;  coming out with two dishes.  Ana, who said she loved cooking, was  the judge but begged on judging her own group, Group 4.  I had two main ingredients:   strawberry and  red bell pepper, and the groups would try to outdo one another in their presentation.  While it was close fight, group 3 who admitted they did not have prior plan was behind.

Some of the lessons learned:

     1.  Ana said even though she had much experience in cooking, learned a lot on food preparation and presentation.

     2.  Vicky said that same ingredients can be made in an infinite number of ways into final dish.  Same with us  -  we are same human beings but we come out in variety of personalities and achievement.

     3.  This is a real practice on creativity.  Those who have not cooked (especially the men) would not consider cooking/food preparation as a worthwhile activities.

I thank everybody for their cooperation and enthusiasm in joining/executing this activity

2.  Mind mapping.  The 4 groups, using crayons and colored markers mind mapped the four concepts/ideas:  innovation, creation, invention and entrepreneurship.  Mind mapping is a tool for brain storming or gathering concepts together, or organizing thoughts that was started by Tony Buzan.  What caught my attention was the presentation on invention.  It captured all the ideas that I know on invention.

The entrepreneurship group also quite captured what the subject/course is all about, and there may be no further need to have the course hahaha(but of course there is still a lot to be learned. like preparing the business plan.

3.  Inspirational video.  We had two presentations: that of Jaime and Kristine.  They were well done.  I can see in Kristine an evolution from a shy young girl to one who has guts determination and savvy now.  (made)   And Jaime, ever since he was young and small, looked like a guy who wants to be different a maverick (I hope I got it right from the videos)

I hope Albert links this site to his celeb chizmiz blog.

He has pictures of the event and I hope he has posted these.

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Mind mapping by MBAH entrep students

We had redesign of ID and other tools of MDs, and mind mapping of various entrep ideas:  innovation, creativity, innovation in Phil health care, entrepreneurship in PHL.   There was a lot of conversation and new ideas that came out.

I commend the idea of Dr. Nazareth about a redesign of steth with a probe/analog device that is attached to an IPhone.  That will make the device worth selling but means less business for the MDs (that is a bad innovation.)

The group of Dr. Tim correctly pointed out the various elements in innovation:  economics, technology, social acceptance, and disruptive nature.  What is like is the presentation of Dr. Afable on a ihospital portal that connects to specialties, drugs, diagnostics.  That would revolutionize health care in the PHL and the inventor/owner of the portal well known and rich.


 x                             Innovation mind map


                               Dr Afable making the pitch on i hospital.


                               Creativity in disciplining children

                              Parents earnestly listening to this presentation.

                     The picture is worth a thousand words, more impt than the presenation?!

                              Innovtion in Phil health (patterned after WHO)


I dare not label the pictures.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Our 3rd session (actual 2nd) for MBA Sentrep - not the typical MBA class

We opened the class with you tubes rendition of  Tanging Yaman.

We did the following:

l.  Lecture on introduction to entrepreneurship (from this blog and slideshare link) What were emphasized:   creating something new, innovation, new products, it is magic (from Walt Disney - Larry Farrel.  It is creating something from practicality nothing.

2.  At the mention of creating products, we did a re invention/redesign of the school id on a paired discussion.  The mock up and the new id concept will be presented by next Tuesday, December l8. (Athens proposed a mini Christmas party)

3.  Then we did a mind mapping of three concepts:   entrepreneurship, innovation, creativity.  For most, it is their first encounter of mind maps.

4.  The last part was the application of 3R from green innovation:   reuse, recycle, reduce.  How to create new product/or product from the waste/trash at 4f of AGSB Salcedo.  And they were able in 45 minutes able to come up with new notable products.  The product prototypes were the actualization of mind maps.

We said entrepreneurship is not a spectators sports;  it is about taking action and creating new products/services.  And we did just that.

Mind/conversation mapping (concept by Tony Buzan)

                               The creativity group:  Alvin, Jaypee and Kevin (he just came in)

                                Evan, Jaypee and Nelle working on innovation

                                   The entrep mind mappers:   Athens, Cams Jenlo and Arlo

                                 The Sentrep class learning by themselves

                               Chrissy, Jaypee, Mike and Alvin

                              The innovation mind map

                               Alvin making the pitch while his group mates watch/listen

                                   Jaypee pitching innovation

                                   Jaypee and group mates

Cash/products from trash

                              Our rawmat (some said yuckkkk?!) We removed the wet ones

Product pitch
                      Evan pitching for his chocolate carton android case; group mates watch

                               Jaypee pitches LED tv protector and remote control holder

                                   Athens with tool crib made from carton box

                                    JP made spirit of Christmas from plastic and paper strips

                               Chrissy, Jaypee and Mike conceptualizing the product

                                         Cams, Jenlo, and Arlo making their product

                                JP, Nelle and Evan sweating it out with the trash rawmat

                           Jaypee, the chief product maker;  Chrissy doing the styropor part

                                   Buy now, pay later O interest