Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Our 3rd session (actual 2nd) for MBA Sentrep - not the typical MBA class

We opened the class with you tubes rendition of  Tanging Yaman.

We did the following:

l.  Lecture on introduction to entrepreneurship (from this blog and slideshare link) What were emphasized:   creating something new, innovation, new products, it is magic (from Walt Disney - Larry Farrel.  It is creating something from practicality nothing.

2.  At the mention of creating products, we did a re invention/redesign of the school id on a paired discussion.  The mock up and the new id concept will be presented by next Tuesday, December l8. (Athens proposed a mini Christmas party)

3.  Then we did a mind mapping of three concepts:   entrepreneurship, innovation, creativity.  For most, it is their first encounter of mind maps.

4.  The last part was the application of 3R from green innovation:   reuse, recycle, reduce.  How to create new product/or product from the waste/trash at 4f of AGSB Salcedo.  And they were able in 45 minutes able to come up with new notable products.  The product prototypes were the actualization of mind maps.

We said entrepreneurship is not a spectators sports;  it is about taking action and creating new products/services.  And we did just that.

Mind/conversation mapping (concept by Tony Buzan)

                               The creativity group:  Alvin, Jaypee and Kevin (he just came in)

                                Evan, Jaypee and Nelle working on innovation

                                   The entrep mind mappers:   Athens, Cams Jenlo and Arlo

                                 The Sentrep class learning by themselves

                               Chrissy, Jaypee, Mike and Alvin

                              The innovation mind map

                               Alvin making the pitch while his group mates watch/listen

                                   Jaypee pitching innovation

                                   Jaypee and group mates

Cash/products from trash

                              Our rawmat (some said yuckkkk?!) We removed the wet ones

Product pitch
                      Evan pitching for his chocolate carton android case; group mates watch

                               Jaypee pitches LED tv protector and remote control holder

                                   Athens with tool crib made from carton box

                                    JP made spirit of Christmas from plastic and paper strips

                               Chrissy, Jaypee and Mike conceptualizing the product

                                         Cams, Jenlo, and Arlo making their product

                                JP, Nelle and Evan sweating it out with the trash rawmat

                           Jaypee, the chief product maker;  Chrissy doing the styropor part

                                   Buy now, pay later O interest

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