Showing posts with label seeking. Show all posts
Showing posts with label seeking. Show all posts

Sunday, May 26, 2024

Opportunity seeking follows the numbers game

Every generation needs a revolution - an entrepreneurial revolution

Even at this later stage in life, this office entertains many possible projects.  I think opportunities follow the law of numbers.  Of the so many in pipeline, only one or two will prosper.  Many obstacles will come up preventing success of the project:   1.  regulations,  2  internal dissent or lack of cooperation, 3.  the proposed partner mindset.  Lately one of our projects in the pipeline was cancelled because one of clearances was delayed, He lacked obviously patience and the maturity to come to a long term business  relationship.  He dared us to end the project, which we did.  We spent time effort, and over a year wrestling with the project. 

I was relieved that it was over.  It was second time he showed his lack of patience   On the other hand it was  a blessing in disguise because we did not get the desired row.

The other project was abandoned by the Board because lately we are having difficulty with LGU and 
its almost two years.  The LGU exec is a relative and has not been helpful.   

As my younger brother used to say, maybe " Not meant to be"     May be we will just use the project to cover our liabilities