Showing posts with label scanning. Show all posts
Showing posts with label scanning. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Mastery of opportunity

Every generation needs a revolution - an entrepreneurial revolution

An entrepreneur must master opportunity.  What is an opportunity?   It is time space where you can make:

This is now what they call as monetizing your hobbies, interest, your parssion

An entrepreneur must not be shy to make money, to desire money, to make lots of it.  If you listen to 
the saying that money is the root of evil, what does it profit a man.... Then you cant make it.

We need money to survive, to pay for our food shelter and clothing.  That is why we look for a job.  That is the ultimate goal of our studies.

While in high school, I had a hobby, and it was a losing hobby.  I took pictures of school events of weddings Of course I spent on film and developing.  I gave away most of the pictures.   My class mate urged me to collect and ask for payment and do not be shy.   When you are a mature entrepreneur, you must not be shy to raise your prices, or ask for more in a negotiation.   The one who survives on this earth is someone who can tell others what he wants.

To address OPPORTUNITY  you must:
      1.  Seek  -  doing a serendipity walk, look at franchies -  ie business that is dissimilar to others
      2.  Scan/screen  -  evaluating what fits your skills and interest
      3.  Seize  - writing your business plan and starting it.  Seizing the day

Its like writing:
      1.  You scan what is trending
      2.  You select articles that interest you or are related to your themes
      3.  Then you write about it.

I all ready lost my power point presentation on this topic.  I shared this with Slideshare/Linked it.  But they monetized this.