Showing posts with label special report. Show all posts
Showing posts with label special report. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Our Class Yesterday, September 30, 2013

AGSB, 4th floor H. de la Costa Campus, Makati City  | September 30 2013

            JC and Prof Jorge hands the prize to Jojo Parungao and Elisa, the members of the Nurture group in the debate, during the first day of class

I was nervous that we would not be able to hold the classes again because it rained so hard Sunday evening September 29, 2013.

A number of students were absent, (because of work and sickness)

We tackled yesterday:

1. Strategy:

    Vision, Mission Objectives (VMOKRAPI)

    SPATRES (all contained in the hand outs I gave the previous week;)  the students must read this;  I asked particularly the students taking up STRAMA.

   As with regards to the objective of Strategy, your goal is to beat the competition.  The business concept must be compelling.

   Strategy is the choice of Key Resources and Key Activities to achieve you objectives.

   What is the relationship to entrepreneurship?   Entrepreneurship is very strategic;  the entrepreneur must start with something from nothing:    no resources  or no knowledge of activities to carry out the business concept.

  The students must also visit the slide presentation of Prof Jorge at Slideshare on Strategy

Applied Strategy

Strategic Thinking by Entrepreneurs

Old School Strategy is dead

2.  Professor had a slideshare presentation on his business and teaching background

Prof Jorge Entrep background

3.  We spent the rest of the evening viewing Inspirational Videos and Special Reports.

    The inspirational video, as was mentioned in Liza Guades vid, it must inspire oneself and others.  Emotional intelligence, as authored by Daniel Goleman mentions that it is about "ability to inspire oneself and inspire others"  Thus one must overcome shame, guilt, depression.  Committing suicide or being catatonic in the face of adversity is a sign of lack of emotional intelligence.   (We see certain executives shooting themselves in memorial parks when faced with very difficult situation despite a GSB MBA, being a cabinet official and graduating from a military academy.

4.  Special reports:

    Business and the Bible


We gave prizes to:   winners of the debate, and the dry cooking competition (courtesy of the Professor)

5.  We also had the can do exercise;  the potato penetrating challenge with a soft straw.  If you can think and dream it, you can do it.

                             Abet who took the picture, suggested this angle/view

                                The best in group Creative Activity -  Martin, Emmanuel and Abet

                                Jaime listening intently, he was to report last last night

                                 Vicky had an interesting life story

                          Martin, a drug rep married also to drug representative was inspired by latter

                                  Gio presenting the Bible, business and entrepreneurship

                                  If Akeel can do it first, then Abet can do it too!

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Review on Financial Management at Sentrep last February 26, 2013

 Room 402 APS, H de la Costa Campus  February 26, 2013

Our schedule last night included:  SR, Case Analysis of Red Crab, and Review of Financial Management.   We were able to do the SR:  "Go Negosyo " by Athens Cruz and "Creativity" by Jaypee Eugenio.

Special reports

Go Negosyo, of which ProfJorge is a part of, is not involved in financing but is involved in changing mindset and or creating entrepreneurial mindset among Filipinos.  Take note that our FDI is practically nil;  yet Philippines is a hotbed of economic growth.  Why - because many locals are taking risks;   many are betting with their own money to start their projects/businesses.  And this is entrepreneurship in action.  The Negosyo efforts paid off, in a way.  The 7.1% economic growth, the PHL as no 6 in the world's fastest growing economy is a dividend, a pay off.

The creativity report mentioned so many books on creativity and many relevant information from Edward de Bono to Einstein, George Bernard Shaw, etc. and many contemporary businesmen and creative people:  Steve Jobs among them.  (Be crazy;  make a dent in the universe.)  Ideas and application of the idea are essential parts of creativity (thus those who fail to apply fail to get their NU 12 posted.

Financial Management

I mentioned some truism on financial management:

l. " The numbers will set you free" -  Harold Geneen

2.  Cash is king.

3.  "You can make a lot of mistakes, and running out of cash is not one of them."

4.  The determination of the bottom line isnt accurate.  The company policy on recognition of income and expenses can vary the outcome.  Some company comptrollers are sometimes cooks or doctors.

5.  The concepts:  cash flow statement, balance sheet, income statement, funds flow were discussed in a whiteboard infographic.  A template shall be sent the students to study and apply.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Atheist Billionaires - from the MBAH 10B Special Reports

Rm 210, APS Building, Rockwell, Makati City | February 23, 2013

Atheist/agnostic billionaires

If they do not believe in God, why could they be so rich?

Good guys do not become billionaires?

                                     Dr. Tim emphasizing an idea

Dr. Tim in his special report on Business Bible made rather startling observation ie, that some of the billionaires did not exactly believe in God/Bible.  Some of them:   Warren Buffet, Steve Jobs, and Bill Gates.  Bill Gates is an atheist.

Thus the question raised in the special report by Dr. Tim is do you need the Bible to be rich?   The answer from the limited examples mentioned is a resounding No.  But Dr. Tim was quick to point out that these billionaires may actually believe in the same principles mentioned in the Bible.  Or the devil may be tempting or testing them  (He got this from the Bible)

Meet a few rich atheists 

Generous atheists billionaires 

Earlier, a post was made on drop out billionaires (is the MBA necessary?)

Other special reports were on:    Aravind hospital by Dra Ching.   Can we do low cost, high volume operations a la Jollibee for some medical care/services as Aravind hospital in the PHL. For eyecare, cataract, this may be no longer feasible because blindness incidence has been reduced in the PHL by as much as 50%

Dra Anjanette reported on "The World is Flat"  She said that it is rather odd that she reported on this because she is not very computer literate.  ( It is a way for her to study more on the computer and to motivate her further?)

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Special Report by Dr. M.T de Guzman - Business and the Bible


Wednesday, February 20, 2013