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Friday, May 3, 2024

On dead plants on skull flower pots and vases

Every generation needs a revolution - an entrepreneurial revolution

1.   Dead Wilted Plant

      A CEO and his VP were going down on glass walled scenic elevator.  The CEO noticed that there was/were dead wilting plant/s.  He called out the VP for the wilting dead plants
      and that he should do something about it.  To which the VP said he will call lhe janitor to revive the dead plants.  The CEO remarked that he must handle this himself.  The plant died
      because the janitor failed in his job, and probably his superior too.


      1.   A CEO orders must be followed and action must be inclusive, not be a messenger of order.  He must be personally connected to that concern.
      2.   The results good or bad are systemic ie that all the inputs and processes did not proceed as was designed, and therefore response must be systemic.  The plants die
            not because of the janitor alone but due to many things:   negligence, lack of supervision, lack of concern, mindset of the janitor
     3.  Therefore, everybody must act as a team and own the responsibility for things gone wrong or bad.
     4.   The dead plant is a symptom of many things gone wrong:   selfishness of staff, lack of caring and concern, misplaced priority,  lack of commitment, lack of quality

2.   Skull flower pots vases.

      This is not an invented story but based of stories:

       This is a more fact based story

       A Sicilian (Italian girl) and Moorish (Arab trader) fell in love.  They were young.   However when commitments were called for (like marriage) the Moor balked saying he had
       a wife and children.  In a fit of jealousy and rage, the Sicilian girl cut of the head  of the Moor made it a flower vase flower pot

      Lesson learned:

     1.  When you do not have commitment, you and your head just deserve to be a flower base/pot.
     2.  Let us search for level of commitment among our staff.(or find the level of relationship) 
          Why do GMA and ABS CBN go on kapuso, kapamilya campaign.  To define relationship with their audience and capture discipleship, champion among the viewers. 
          Do vieweres get anything of monetary value from this media company.   What about our staff who get food on the table, expenses for school, roof over their head
          from Holy Gardens.   How unjust?!

          This story has relation to:

         1.  What is your relations to Holy Gardens?    
         2.  What is your purpose in life

        Do all of have commitment

        Re commitment:   The story about the pig and the breakfast

        A pig and a hen went into partnership to put a breakfast business:    ham and egg with coffee.

       Hen:   I am committed to this business because I have to lay eggs
       Pig:    To contribute to the ham I have to give up my hips and life.  That is total commitment.

      What does this tell to membership to  0 Circle, and 501 club (those who are otw home at 5:00 pm

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

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Date: Fri, Apr 5, 2013 at 12:23 AM
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