Showing posts with label visionary. Show all posts
Showing posts with label visionary. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

A maligned tycoon is a visionary par excellence

Every generation needs a revolution - an entrepreneurial

Rizal Philippines
August 1, 2017

Image result for balesin island club

Image result for bobby ongpin a visionary

The return of a visionary

I attended a meeting today with one of the captains of the industry.  He used to head a large commercial bank, was the head of a govt bank, headed the bases conversion, was president of a govt north rail. project.  He celebrated his 76th birthday a month ago.  I regaled at this vision statements for the bank in his office, as we were dining in his office for a CK treat.    And he said nothing could beat a former govt official, a Harvard  grad for being a visionary, at the age of 82.   He said that the enthusiasm of the said person is infectious and the way he visualizes his project, he would seem to be only  22 years old.

Some of his outstanding achievements include:   the exclusive members only Golf residential project:  Highlands, then the Balesin in Quezon, an island project  At Balesin, he built a resort with several themes located in 40 hectare site leaving the rest of island, 92 % as virgin forest, with 40,000 coconut trees.  The themes are Bali, Phuket, St. Tropez, Costa del Sol, Toscana and native Balesin. He built the resort at a cost of P7 billion and one of the most sought after exclusive members only resort in the region:    Membership sell for Gold P2.2 million 7 nights free,  Diamond   P4 million 14 nights,  and Corporate 6 million 28 nights

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Image result for balesin island club

Image result for balesin island club

Related image

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There is a companion Balesin at Patnungan island.  He will build 500 homes and villa, 400 room hotel, and a runway to accommodate jet planes.  It will cost him P5 billion to build

There is  a plan for 783 hectares members exclusive members only Alpha land Baguio where cabin homes cost P50 million each.  All ready he is in Europe to buy the logs.  Can you beat the guy for his visioning and entrepreneurship  There will be 300 cabin log houses and 50 mountain lodges.

Alphaland Baguio Mountain Lodges

Hearing these stories makes one realize how little we dream or make our vision.

D R E A M      BIG

Alphaland Baguio Mountain Lodges from IMC Collateral on Vimeo.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Our session yesterday, November 4, 2013 - Congrats again to Group 4

AGSB, H de la Costa Campus  |  November 4, 2013

           Isnt it boring that Group 4 always wins?  This time for MC2 case analysis. Congratulations

We had our 4th to the last session yesterday.  We had two main activities:  IV and SR presentations and two case analysis

Albert Abenidos presentation was both inspiring and humorous.  He presented himself as a lady (and he was gorgeous) and as a macho/alpha man in a TV show.  I think he must upload that presentation.  Then he made an SR on social entrepreneurship.  Martin made an SR on CSV.    Gio had an IV presentation.

Then we had two case analyses:   MC2 and Jose Lontoc.

For MC2,  Group 4 again came out the winner.  It looks so boring that they always win.  So no more contest.  While I kept on saying that opportunities should be money/wealth making opportunities, other groups still were vague on what the opportunities where or came out with business that were not related relevant to the expertise of MC2.  I kept repeating the SMART thing.

For Jose Lontoc, there were various points of view:   it was a finance case -  it is question of whether Lontoc can get the loan or not.  Some says he cant get the loan because (he had  bad record -  his other loan was foreclosed?) and that the externals were not clear (the case says that there were limited number of abbatoirs and the daily demand is about 7000 heads of livestock a day).  And that the business was failing? Others remarked that it was about innovation of Lontoc;  other students say it is about the various porftfolio of business

Then we went into risk, value creation/chain of the business and that Lontoc wanted to control the value chain.  The other aspect of value chain would not be making money or failing but as whole the most profitable, the highest value creator prospers.   Then we asked who is the man who sees the whole picture the whole value chain - and it took some coaching/coaxing to say that it is a strategist/visionary who does this.

It is sad to note that there were students:  who did not read the case or did not read well or were guessing. Those who were not here get a failing grade for the cases discussed. And so with those who did not prepare.  It is a 10 point game!

                                      The winner gets my kisses

                                        Group 4 got my kisses

                                  What are the opportunities?  Isip pa, isip pa

 Abet as the macho man in his IV presentation;  underneath though....(surprise!)