Thursday, January 3, 2013

Creating a positive customer experience from B2C

From B2C

Customer service is an essential part of business process.  Customer service is a top priority and 68% of the customers migrate from a vendor/business because they feel undervalued/unappreciated.

Some ways to create positive customer experience:

l.  Communicate with the customer before, during, and after sales.

2.  Do something unexpected to a customer that no one has ever done. He will pay back with a sales or a referral.  Make him special.

3.  Focus on a niche.  Find out what you can do best for a particular group of customers.  You can not satisfy all.   But be the best in your niche.

4.  Show honest and sincere appreciation:  be it a gift, discount, phone call, text, flowers.

5.  Make customer interaction simple and fast.  Some interactions can be long and complicated. Make it easy for customers to do business with you. No red tape  Read more on the other five

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