Saturday, July 13, 2024

On hiring relatives, expecting support from relatives for a start up

Every generation needs a revolution - an entrepreneurial revolution

Usually it does not work.   These worked with us:    a relative driver, relative of wife doing clerical works. They set bad example:    come to work late, absent frequently, low productivity.  They dont change even when called out.  It becomes complicated when they are fired.   Roles at office and in family tree clash. 
So better hire outsiders and those who will tow the line in a business environment  (Over the weekend I got into a tiff with relative of wife who bussed his plates into my table during a buffet)  This also happens to friends.  I did business with a close friend for iron grills for mass housing.  Prices kept escalating and never ending parade of complaints.   We had to part ways.   

Do not expect support from friends or relatives for a start up.   They usually believe you wont make it and you will not amount to anything.  Get support from public at large through marketing, excellent product and service.

Be the best you can be.  They always say you owe it to your family.  But sometimes, you can only depend on you.

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