Showing posts with label cash. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cash. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

The business, marketing success secret revealed

Every generation needs a revolution - an entrepreneurial revolution

Image result for the customer is the king   

Image result for the customer is the king

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Rizal Philippines
May 17, 2017

What do you get from this story?   Having a lake full of Pesos:

The story is about prioritizing, when you fish:

1.   bait
2.   the fishing rod,
3.  fish processing
4.  lake?

I would like to think that this is marketing parable.  We often say that we are to be market oriented but most of the time we are not.  We are product or sales oriented.  This story says that we prioritize the lake, the market, where we can catch fish.  Thus a market research interview about the needs and wants of customer.

Of course the correct sequence would be:

1.  lake -  the market, where you can catch fish
2.  bait -   the product
3.   Fishing rod  -  your pitch, your promo
4.  processing -  the customer link bond to retain customers to get repeat sales

This is very consistent about my thesis for business success as gurus have all ready stressed:

1.  Peter Drucker -  a business is an entity that creates customer.  No customer no business.   Thus marketing and innovation are important function of a business

2.  Theodore Levitt -   Everything starts and ends with the customer.  The goal of business, all its functions are geared to satisfy the customer.

3.  Our belief - Customer service.  The customer is the king.     The customer is divine.  He pays our wages
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This is the full story: