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Showing posts with label character. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Collab - the new networking; the new deal is deal making

Every generation needs a revolution - an entrepreneurial revolution

Still on Boss

Much of the deal has been on deal making.   The deal could be made or broken based on the character of the deal maker.  The deal maker could have hurt the protagonist before or done him a favor before.  It is a no go if the deal protagonist was pained;  it is a  no go, it is go if  it was gain

Thus we have backdoor negotiation, enlist help of patrons, friends.  Or an authority

Or exert legal or administrative pressure so that the other party caves in.   
 Or wine dine the person.  Entertain   Or give him/her a haircut and even marrying the other party 

Thus avoid hurting  people you meet, publish ridicule.  Be on good terms with all people.  Dish out favors