Showing posts with label network. Show all posts
Showing posts with label network. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Collab - the new networking; the new deal is deal making

Every generation needs a revolution - an entrepreneurial revolution

Still on Boss

Much of the deal has been on deal making.   The deal could be made or broken based on the character of the deal maker.  The deal maker could have hurt the protagonist before or done him a favor before.  It is a no go if the deal protagonist was pained;  it is a  no go, it is go if  it was gain

Thus we have backdoor negotiation, enlist help of patrons, friends.  Or an authority

Or exert legal or administrative pressure so that the other party caves in.   
 Or wine dine the person.  Entertain   Or give him/her a haircut and even marrying the other party 

Thus avoid hurting  people you meet, publish ridicule.  Be on good terms with all people.  Dish out favors

Saturday, May 13, 2023

Some advices skills to be learned by real estate brokers agents:

Every generation needs a revolution - an entrepreneurial revolution

1,   On pre development marketing and prices.    
      Some agents say that buyers will come as soon as prospects see massive development and construction
      One of key features and excitement in real estate is OPM (other peoples money) and leverage.   A
      developer would not not want to spend a single centavo on development.   So developer would
      not break ground unless:    project is fully sold out, full dp has been made.

      If we just wait for project to be fully developed before selling, thats a no no for most smart
      developers....   That is why you offer pre developed low prices.  Once it is fully developed....
      You really have to work hard on winning attitude, and upgrading sellers skills.   

2.  On tripping and network
     Most sellers do not have direct listings but have listings of other agents.  They trip only one
     another and pad the commission with more intermediary agents.  An agent should try to get
     direct listing so that he/she can control her income  and the negotiation

     Be sure prior to the tripping:

     1.  You have located the property properly at Google maps
     2,  Complete clear docs:    TCT/Oct, Tax Dec.  Free Patent, ba?  (take note of 5 years restrictive
           period)  Sec 4 Rule 74 if inherited
     3.  Subject to EJ ba (if owners are deceased)
     4.  Site   - is it suffering from irreparable conditions:      flooding, earthquake prone, near a
          ravine, former dumping ground, cemetery 

3.  ATS

     Secure an ATS specifying the property the amount of commission to be paid, the price
     and other perks.   Be sure everything is clear and that you are authorized

4.  Option agreement
     (/For those complaining that nasulot ang deal, kasi panay kuwnetuhan lang ng seller, walang
        klaro at serious na legal na deal)

     There must be a document that must be signed between seller and buyer if there is meeting of the mind

     1   Option money -  promise to buy and sell, a binder.   An agreement without PHP is non binding
          This binds the buyer and seller:

          1.  That the property shall not be dealt with anyone else during a specified period;
                (at the risk of penalty)
         2.  Price will be fixed; he can not raise prices

    2.  Contract to sell if the buyer and seller intends to go on with the deal  (complete with representation and warranties and boiler plate provision

        You really need a lawyer to protect you in big deals.   Pay him fees (from your com)