Showing posts with label contribution. Show all posts
Showing posts with label contribution. Show all posts

Monday, May 27, 2024

Contribution to nation building

Every generation needs a revolution - an entrepreneurial revolution

It has been nearly a decade since this post ended his stint in the academe on account of his age (not because of old age)  It is with sadness we bid adieu to the student and the intellectual ferment that accompanies such an experience  It is with happiness though that this post views the post, because of the contribution (I think) that has been made to the business community, in words and deeds

The power points on entrepreneurship, the blogs,  the lectures, the Go Negosyo caravan, the seminal ideas inculcated in many MBA students in Clark, Subic, Sta Rosa and Cebu might have in a way contributed to the tremendous growth in economy we are experiencing (one of the biggest in the world) that we are experiencing.

The institution where  this post taught made sure we got the best training.   We were sent to Korea and Thailand and were trained by Stanford and Colorado gurus in our field of expertise.  We were visited by top professors too from abroad:  so that we sharpened the saw

Sunday, May 26, 2024

Wealth creation, focussing on results

Every generation needs a revolution - an entrepreneurial revolution

One of the things that bother me is subordinates being content  with completion of tasks and not minding their contribution to results.   Sales and and collection are important results.  Without them we can do not eat

And they are not bothered with that.  Many workers would just do routine jobs, will not take initiative, will not go beyond their comfort zones and content with just being there.

At the end of the day, the bottoms up approach does not work.  It has to be top down.  The top guy has to take charge and be at the forefront.   

The captain has to take charge.   There could be no other way