Showing posts with label create. Show all posts
Showing posts with label create. Show all posts

Friday, June 21, 2024

The purpose of business is to create customers....

Every generation needs a revolution - an entrepreneurial revolution

We should keep this thought, this guiding principle as a businessman or entrepreneur.  We should be focused on this purpose.

Thats the value proposition for the business -  to deliver value to the customer.  To deliver gain, and/or reduce, remove pain. 

Watch out therefore when we do not create customers - not engaging in prospecting or customer service practices do not sell, and/or lose customers.

Be wary of engaging too in non customer creating activities:
     1.  Bringing customers to legal system
     2.  Quarrelling with customers
     3.   Engaging in non customer activities -  too much civic activities,  studying businesses that are 
           unrelated.  Get rich scheme,  Luxury goods and others  

          I was guilty of spending too much time in JCI and honestly neglected the business at times

          For others the perks become the main goal and not serving the customers

Our purpose in life is to find our gift and use that gift in the service of others.

In sports as in business, he who serves best wins.

Saturday, October 5, 2013

CNNs technology series - make, create, innovate


This should be a good reference for you to tickle your imagination for the NU 12.  Reading more stimulates your right brain thinking and your creativity.

We will have an exercise on urban innovation, new cities next meeting.

CNN tech - make, create, innovate