Showing posts with label innovation and entrepreneurship. Show all posts
Showing posts with label innovation and entrepreneurship. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

My presentations today at IIAP Corporate Entrep seminar

IIAP  26th Floor Ayala Life- FGU ctr.  Ayala Ave, Makati City PHL
May 8, 2013

The following were the activities conducted for the 2nd session of the Corporate Entrepreneurship Course held by Prof Jorge for insurance executives at IIAP:

l.  Review of yesterday's lesson

2.  Lectures:

      l.  Princes of Serendip

      2.  Personal Mastery

      3.  New Product design

      4.  Innovation and entrepreneurship (Peter Drucker)

      5.  Innovation or creative imitation?

Grace did not attend;  I thought Marika would not come.  However it was fun and knowledge filled session.  I was compressing a semester into 3 4 hour session.  I hope I can do justice to the course