Showing posts with label Central Luzon. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Central Luzon. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Who has a better strategy?

Every generation needs a revolution - an entrepreneurial revolution

I advised a well known food company in Central Luzon.  The leader was frozen food company whose sales reached P20 B.   The one that I advised made P3B.

However they had a competition which had sales double theirs.     While my subject thought about expanding their plant (they were talking to the supplier for food processing machinery) and prided themselves for creating their own blast freezer.  their competition thinks of linkages with smaller
food manufacturers.   They consolidated smaller producer to be part of their umbrella, use their brand
and their ads, logistics, and distribution system.

Who is more successful?
Who has a more effective strategy? Why
Is physical plant expansion always a good strategy

Monday, May 27, 2024

A dream - collab between business school and SU specializing in agri education

Every generation needs a revolution - an entrepreneurial revolution

While this post was teaching part time at GSB, he had opportunity to join a group of Filipino Chinese businessmen to visit a carabao institute, Agri School and Rice Institute  in Central Luzon.   Indeed there were a lot of opportunities presenting themselves during the field trip:     beef substitute from Buffalo Buffalis, Mosarella cheese from milk of said carabao, new rice varieties, other new plant strains, post harvest facilities.  agri implements developed at the SU.

The scientific work  on the other hand did not have commercial applications.  The students, and or the university did not have means and resources to monetize their inventions.   (And then some wise guys then that the govt did not provide funds or resources to the invention.  Yes.  The government does no have    all the answers.  We private citizens can research the answer

While we talk about:  food security, agricultural productivity,, nothing concrete was being undertaken to put the resources together. Collab.   Shared faculties, and or shared curriculum   Why not collab between the GSB and the academic institutions in Central Luzon.   I broached the ideas to the higher ups at GSB but since they were busy with existing programs   Each instution has life of its own or should we say own

And then some wise guys drum beat why we are not helping famers, why we are not doing about increasing agricultural productivity

Why are farmers not benefitting from value created from their produce.  A simple supply chain template can handle that:   ie timing planting and demand season.  


What do you think can be done?    To close the great divide between educ instituionss?  Theory and practice.