Showing posts with label GSB. Show all posts
Showing posts with label GSB. Show all posts

Saturday, June 29, 2024

Sought by former boss at a Health Program at GSB

Every generation needs a revolution - an entrepreneurial revolution

Yesterday, and the other day, I got text message from an unknown phone number (unregistered probably because of changing cps and sim cards).   I asked this to be identified.  It turned out to be the cp of secretary of a Dean of GSB.  One of the former colleague wanted to get in touch with me.

It turned out to be former head of program, and she was in Taiwan.

This morning she contacted me and it turned out, her MD, a gastro enterologist wanted to own the lot that I have in one of the subdivisions we built to be a parking lot.   I had to verify my ownership and get back to her as soon as we confirmed the location.

Glad to be in touch with former GSB colleagues

Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Number 1 University

Every generation needs a revolution - an entrepreneurial revolution

This post has been away from the academe at GSB for nearly a decade on account of traffic difference in teaching methodology, and my age.   

Most of my contemporaries have also retired, transferred to other institutions, and became bosses in their own right.  We were such a great team, but disbanded due to death of the dean, change of the VP for the Professional schools.

However, one thing worth noting now, despite the loss is the high ranking of the university among Philippine counterparts, and elsewhere in Asia.   

Monday, May 27, 2024

A dream - collab between business school and SU specializing in agri education

Every generation needs a revolution - an entrepreneurial revolution

While this post was teaching part time at GSB, he had opportunity to join a group of Filipino Chinese businessmen to visit a carabao institute, Agri School and Rice Institute  in Central Luzon.   Indeed there were a lot of opportunities presenting themselves during the field trip:     beef substitute from Buffalo Buffalis, Mosarella cheese from milk of said carabao, new rice varieties, other new plant strains, post harvest facilities.  agri implements developed at the SU.

The scientific work  on the other hand did not have commercial applications.  The students, and or the university did not have means and resources to monetize their inventions.   (And then some wise guys then that the govt did not provide funds or resources to the invention.  Yes.  The government does no have    all the answers.  We private citizens can research the answer

While we talk about:  food security, agricultural productivity,, nothing concrete was being undertaken to put the resources together. Collab.   Shared faculties, and or shared curriculum   Why not collab between the GSB and the academic institutions in Central Luzon.   I broached the ideas to the higher ups at GSB but since they were busy with existing programs   Each instution has life of its own or should we say own

And then some wise guys drum beat why we are not helping famers, why we are not doing about increasing agricultural productivity

Why are farmers not benefitting from value created from their produce.  A simple supply chain template can handle that:   ie timing planting and demand season.  


What do you think can be done?    To close the great divide between educ instituionss?  Theory and practice.  

Sunday, March 26, 2023

Health care will continue to be a driver of entrepreneurship, business, and Philippine economy

Every generation needs a revolution - an entrepreneurial revolution

A famous surgeon in working with a billionaire businessman owning strings of hospital across the country,  mentioned while doing a surgery on my elbow that a hospital where he has invested in now valued at P60m  That was the bid of the billionaire.   And that was from an investment of only P1 million 4 years ago.  Tnat is a lot  of ROI

I mentioned that health care will continue to be source of growth in the economy  Everybody gets sick (and for the memorial park, everybody dies;  it cant be avoided)   Health care will continue to flourish despite all negative predictions about global economy

The good surgeon was former student at GSB, and he must have learned a couple of great things about business while under my tutelage  This post was also engaged to conduct an organizational and strategic planning for the said hospital during the formative stage

Sunday, December 18, 2016

Did the business school have better outcomes with new processes/procedures?

Every generation needs a revolution - an entrepreneurial revolution

Rizal Philippines
December 18, 2016

I have not been teaching for the last several months because of my inability to comply with the 7 days deadline for the submission of grades after the end of sem;  and rightly so.  Some erring profs were sent memo for their insubordination even those who were on foreign travels.

It is just a big disappointment too that 2 years ago in  faculty conference in Alabang, the incoming leaders were asked as to what was the elephant in the room -  (every one anticipated that the Loyola people would replace the current staff) and the managers were silent and non committal.  Today  they are doing just that - to replace the current faculty with doctorate and academicians.

I asked the current faculty, the chair of the panel which I attended (I braved the horrendous traffic just to attend to this chore, to honor the panel and the students defending their strama) said that as a whole the school is doing well but not the GSB.  Enrollment is down, the good professors have joined the rival schools.   DLS has moved to BGC;  what is the move of the school?  (Nawala strama for the grand moves/strategy to be competitive;   baka irrelevant ang mga new policies, nitty pricky or rubbed the ertswhile strength of the GSB - the professional at work profs  (whom I understand are happy with their consultancy work or businesses)

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Changes at the GSB in 2014


 From Ateneo scholar - appointment of Dean Ang at AGSB by Fr. Jett

Welcome 2014, welcome new Dean Ang at AGSB!  Best wishes Dean Albert!

In March , Dean Albert will retire, and in comes the new Dean Rudy Ang.  I met him last week, and was going to teach Marketing that day.

Just what is going to happen to AGSB?

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Fourth Regional (PRME) Forum at AGSB November 14 to 15, 2013 at APS Auditorium


4th Regional Responsible Management Forum in Asia at AGSB

The dean texted me yesterday that there will be a PRME forum to be held at the APS Auditorium 9 am to 5pm from November 14 to 15 (that will be tomorrow until Friday) on Responsible Management Education.  It will be sponsored by Ateneo, AIM and DLSU.  The title of the Forum is 4th PRME Regional Forum in Asia:  Sustainable Business for Common Good - Preparing Asian Business Leaders for Today and Tomorrow"

Here is the complete text of the announcement:

UPDATE: In spite of the recent storm that devastated many areas of the Philippines, the 4th PRME Asia Forum will still take place on 14-15 November, as scheduled.

We invite you to join the Global Compact in supporting the relief effort.

We are pleased to announce the opening of registration for the 4th PRME Regional Forum Asia, "Sustainable Business for the Common Good: Preparing Asia’s business leaders of today and tomorrow,” which will be hosted by the De La Salle University Ramon V. del Rosario College of Business, in collaboration with the Asian Institute of Management and Ateneo Professional Schools, in Manila, the Philippines, on 14-15 November. 

In the current academic environment, corporate responsibility and sustainability have entered but not yet become embedded in the mainstream of business-related education. PRME is therefore a timely global call for business schools and universities worldwide to gradually adapt their curricula, research, teaching methodologies, and institutional strategies to the new business challenges and opportunities.
The main goals of the 4th PRME Regional Forum Asia include:

  1. To follow through the commitment discussed during the first three PRME Asia meetings;
  2. To strengthen the Asia PRME network, to establish the Asia Chapter, to organise the core group of the Asia Chapter;
  3. To deepen the understanding of responsible management education in the Asian context:
    a. Identify what we have in common;
    b. Share and agree what can be done together;
    c. Present and discuss leading edge models and approaches to management education; and
  4. To encourage networking and build links among the delegates for possible collaborative projects.
Kindly register here. For more information, please visit the event webpage, where you will find a copy of the agenda and address questions about the meeting here.
The 1st PRME Regional Forum Asia was hosted by Kyung Hee University School of Management, the 2nd PRME Regional Forum Asia was hosted by the School of Economics and Management at Tsinghua University, and the 3rd PRME Regional Forum Asia was hosted by Keio University.

We look forward to seeing you in Manila in November!

We invite every one to attend, especially entrep students.  This is something new.  On Friday, the fmr jailed CFO of Enron,  David Fastow will talk.